Weight-loss status update: back in January, you said goodbye to (most) Friday-night takeaways. You were still at the gym three times a week. Your belly was retreating and it all seemed worth the effort. Until, that is, everything stopped working. Sound familiar? It may not be down to a lack of willpower.
The grim truth is that your body doesn’t like it when you lose a few pounds. In fact, it fights back. Research at the University of Melbourne found that dieting causes specific chemical changes that make you crave food. It can start when you’ve lost just 5% of your bodyweight. “There is a co-ordinated change in the blood hormones that regulate appetite,” says Professor Joseph Proietto, who ran the study. “This makes you hungry, and these changes are persistent for at least one year.”
This hormonal ambush is one of the big reasons that it’s hard to maintain steady weight loss. The good news is that by finding out what neurological changes are lurking beyond the next plate of grilled chicken and steamed veg, you can be ready. Follow this plan to pre-emptively spring every trap your body has set and you will escape fat for good.
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