Sunday, May 30, 2010

UK comes last in Eurovision

The UK finished bottom in the Eurovision Song Contest hosted by Oslo last night.
Teenager Josh Dubovie sang That Sounds Good to Me, written by Pete Waterman and Mike Stock, and scored only 10 points.
Lena won for Germany with 246 points for a number called Satellite, beating 24 other entries.
Turkey came second, Romania third and Denmark fourth.
The UK also ended up last in 2008 and 2003.
Did we deserve to lose Eurovision? Watch Josh sing That Sounds Good To Me and see what you think...


How to get rid of threadworms

My mum told me that carrots are toxic to worms, so if your kids have them, get them to drink a large glass of carrot juice every day, or put plenty of carrots on their plate at lunch and dinner, and that should get rid of threadworms. Read more >>

How to soothe sore throats

There are lots of things that soothe sore throats, but the best and the easiest is just to dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a cup of warm water and gargle with it.
Marie King, 37, Shipston-on Stour, Warwickshire
It's my mum's old recipe but honey and lemon stirred into hot water really is brilliant at calming a sore throat.

Laura Harper, 30, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk.....

How to combat the worst of acne

'Teenage acne usually clears by your mid-20s, but about five per cent of women suffer into their 30s and even 40s. And there's a particular form of acne that starts later in life, usually on the jaw and chin, that can be difficult to treat. Avoid greasy cosmetics and wash with an antibacterial soap. Antibiotics can lose their effect after a few months so you might need a change. Antibiotic lotions, powerful creams (such as Tretinoin) or special forms of the contraceptive pill, such as Dianette, might all be worth a try to banish acne.' ....


10 Foreplay tips

Has he got a higher sex drive than you? Need help getting turned on? As we all know, great sex isn't all about the actual act. The build-up and foreplay is just as important and if it's really good it will drive you and your fella wild.
10 hot foreplay tips

To prove that there's more to sex than just the act itself, we've come up with 10 hot tips for you and your fella to try to get you in the mood for things to come!
Try just one or all of them and you won't be disappointed...Read more >>

Guide to Tantric sex

Fancy hotting up and slowing down your sex life? Even if you haven't got hours to spend in the bedroom, Tantric sex may be the answer.
What is Tantric sex?

Tantric sex is an ancient Hindu practice that has been going for over 5,000 years, and means 'the weaving and expansion of energy'.Read more >>

Morales defiende a Lula de acusaciones de EE.UU. por su relación con Irán e

El presidente de Bolivia, Evo Morales, defendió ayer a su homólogo brasileño, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, de las acusaciones de Estados Unidos por el acuerdo firmado por Brasil, Turquía e Irán sobre el intercambio de uranio poco enriquecido por combustible nuclear.
En una conferencia de prensa en la ciudad central de Cochabamba, Morales mostró todo su respaldo a Lula después de que el ejecutivo de Barack Obama dijera que el acuerdo entre brasileños e iraníes "hace el mundo más peligroso".Lee Más >>

Zelaya analiza propuesta de Lobo de regresar a Honduras

El depuesto presidente hondureño Manuel Zelaya anunció, desde su exilio en República Dominicana, que analiza la propuesta que le hizo el actual mandatario Porfirio Lobo de regresar a Honduras, pero se quejó de que los golpistas "gozan de impunidad".
"Le tomaré la palabra a Porfirio Lobo Sosa, a quien agradecemos sus buenas intenciones y analizaremos en qué consiste la propuesta", dijo Zelaya en una carta enviada a sus asesores en Tegucigalpa, que entregaron copia a la AFP este sábado.
En la carta, Zelaya insiste en que "el destierro es una tortura para el que lo sufre y su familia".Lee Más >>

Jedward: We want to be adopted by Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie

Jedward would like to live with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie.The X Factor twins - real names John and Edward Grimes - reckon they could have a lot...


Cáncer pulmonar el cáncer más común

El cáncer del pulmón es el cáncer más común en los Estados Unidos. Se puede decir que es una enfermedad traicionera ya que puede no presentar síntomas hasta que está muy avanzado. De la misma manera, el mal que antes se pensaba exclusivo de los fumadores afecta un 18% de personas que nunca tuvieron el hábito de fumar. Las personas que presentan síntomas usualmente los confunden con otras enfermedades respiratorias.
El fumar sigue siendo la principal causa del cáncer pulmonar, pero otros factores ambientales como exposición a pesticidas y químicos de la limpieza del hogar, sumado a la predisposición genética, pueden provocar el padecimiento. Los doctores e investigadores recomiendan el no fumar como la mejor manera de prevenir el cáncer del pulmón. A los fumadores se les exhorta a ser diligentes con sus exámenes médicos. Un cáncer pulmonar que se descubre en fase 1 tiene mayor probabilidad de recuperación. Lee Más >>

Hollywood legend Dennis Hopper dies

Dennis Hopper has died at the age of 74.The Easy Rider legend revealed that he was battling prostate cancer in October last year. Dennis, a...Read more >>

SEE PICS Big Brother Winners: Where are they now?

See what all the BB winners are doing these days...
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