Friday, February 22, 2013

Cómo conectar Samsung Galaxy a PC

Cómo reparar el problema de conexión USB de Samsung teléfonos Android

Varios teléfonos Samsung Galaxy parecen tener problemas de conexión USB. Algunas veces la conexión USB deja de funcionar y incluso reiniciar el teléfono no se resuelve el problema. En este artículo se da a los síntomas y explica cómo arreglar eso.


Me tomó un tiempo para averiguar y solucionar el problema (mirando muchos foros, tratando muchas soluciones que nunca funcionó). El problema no es un problema de controlador en el PC, ni un poco de polvo en el conector USB, pero es realmente un problema de software / configuración en el teléfono Android en sí. Los síntomas fueron los siguientes:
  • El teléfono está correctamente configurada en Ajustes -> Aplicaciones -> Desarrollo de USB mode (no de desarrollo)
  • Al conectar y desconectar el cable USB no se produce ningún evento en el teléfono (es como si se conecta el cargador: no aparece el icono USB en la barra de estado)
  • Al reiniciar el teléfono no tiene efecto. USB sigue sin ser reconocida (el icono de USB no aparece en la barra de estado).
  • Al reiniciar el teléfono con el cable USB conectado a la PC es mejor. El icono USB aparece, pero nunca desaparece después de desconectar y la conexión sigue sin funcionar.
  • En Windows, Samsung Kies intenta conectarse pero el proceso de conexión no termina nunca. Windows detecta el dispositivo USB.
  • En Ubuntu, el dmesg comando informa de un error cuando el cable USB está conectado:


1. Desconecte el cable USB
2. En el teléfono celular, marque el siguiente número de teléfono: * # 7284 #
Una vez que el último # es golpeado, el PhoneUtil aplicación se inicia. Elige USB - Modem> y, a continuación USB -> PDA modo.
El modo bien debe ser PDA . Incluso si el modo es PDA, cambie al módem y vuelva a PDA.
3. Conecte el cable USB.

My computer does not recognize Galaxy S III

How to repair the USB connection problem on Android Samsung phones.

Several  Samsung Galaxy phones seem to have USB connection problems. Sometimes the USB connection stops working and even rebooting the phone does not solve the problem. This article gives the symptoms and explains how to fix that.


It took me a long time to figure out and fix the problem (looking at many forums, trying many solutions that never worked). The problem was not a driver problem on the PC, nor some dust on the USB connector but really a software/configuration problem on the Android phone itself. The symptoms were the following:
  • The phone is correctly configured in Settings -> Applications -> Development to USB mode (no development)
  • Plugging and unplugging the USB cable does not produce any event on the phone (it is as though you plug the charger: no USB icon in the status bar)
  • Rebooting the phone has no effect. USB is still not recognized (the USB icon does not appear in the status bar).
  • Rebooting the phone with the USB cable connected to the PC is better. The USB icon appears but it never disappears after unplug and the connection still does not work.
  • Under Windows, Samsung Kies tries to connect but the connection process never ends. Windows sees the USB device.
  • Under Ubuntu, the dmesg command reports an error when the USB cable is plugged:

Several Samsung Galaxy phones seem to have USB connection problems. Sometimes the USB connection stops working and even rebooting the phone does not solve the problem. This article gives the symptoms and explains how to fix that.


It took me a long time to figure out and fix the problem (looking at many forums, trying many solutions that never worked). The problem was not a driver problem on the PC, nor some dust on the USB connector but really a software/configuration problem on the Android phone itself. The symptoms were the following:
  • The phone is correctly configured in Settings -> Applications -> Development to USB mode (no development)
  • Plugging and unplugging the USB cable does not produce any event on the phone (it is as though you plug the charger: no USB icon in the status bar)
  • Rebooting the phone has no effect. USB is still not recognized (the USB icon does not appear in the status bar).
  • Rebooting the phone with the USB cable connected to the PC is better. The USB icon appears but it never disappears after unplug and the connection still does not work.
  • Under Windows, Samsung Kies tries to connect but the connection process never ends. Windows sees the USB device.
  • Under Ubuntu, the dmesg command reports an error when the USB cable is plugged:


1. Unplug the USB cable
2. On the cell phone, dial the following number: *#7284#
Once the last # is hit, the PhoneUtil application is launched. Choose USB -> Modem and then USB -> PDA mode.
The good mode should be PDA. Even if the mode is PDA, switch to Modem and then back to PDA.
3. Plug the USB cable.

¿ Porque no conecta mi teléfono Samsung® con el ordenador a traves de Samsung® Kies ?

Several Samsung Galaxy phones seem to have USB connection problems. Sometimes the USB connection stops working and even rebooting the phone does not solve the problem. This article gives the symptoms and explains how to fix that.


It took me a long time to figure out and fix the problem (looking at many forums, trying many solutions that never worked). The problem was not a driver problem on the PC, nor some dust on the USB connector but really a software/configuration problem on the Android phone itself. The symptoms were the following:
  • The phone is correctly configured in Settings -> Applications -> Development to USB mode (no development)
  • Plugging and unplugging the USB cable does not produce any event on the phone (it is as though you plug the charger: no USB icon in the status bar)
  • Rebooting the phone has no effect. USB is still not recognized (the USB icon does not appear in the status bar).
  • Rebooting the phone with the USB cable connected to the PC is better. The USB icon appears but it never disappears after unplug and the connection still does not work.
  • Under Windows, Samsung Kies tries to connect but the connection process never ends. Windows sees the USB device.
  • Under Ubuntu, the dmesg command reports an error when the USB cable is plugged:


1. Unplug the USB cable
2. On the cell phone, dial the following number: *#7284#
Once the last # is hit, the PhoneUtil application is launched. Choose USB -> Modem and then USB -> PDA mode.
The good mode should be PDA. Even if the mode is PDA, switch to Modem and then back to PDA.
3. Plug the USB cable.