Monday, March 29, 2010

Who the Heck Is Pixie Lott and Why Are Paps Fighting Over Her?

When we heard there was a paparazzi scuffle at LAX this weekend, we thought for sure it must be the comings and goings of Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart or Lindsay Lohan that caused it. We were wrong.

A pair of photographers battled—leaving one in jail for suspected felony battery and the other in the hospital—all for a spot on the curb to get a glimpse of…Pixie Lott!

The 19-year-old is a British pop star we're officially putting on our radar.Read more >>

VIDEO Katy Perry gets slimed at Kids' Choice Awards

Katy Perry was blasted with slime at the Nickelodeon Kids' Choice Awards. The singer was tricked into opening a box that catapulted goo all over...Read more >>

Beyonce Knowles denies pregnancy rumours

Beyonce Knowles is not expecting her first baby, says her rep. US reports claimed the singer, who is married Jay-Z, 40, was pregnant. But her..Read more >>

PICS Kylie Minogue and Sienna Miller go nude for breast cancer campaign

Kylie Minogue has got her kit off to raise money for the charity Breakthrough Breast Cancer. The singer - who was diagnosed with the disease in...Read more >>

Peaches Geldof denies drug allegations

Peaches Geldof has strongly denied allegations she went on a drugs binge last year.A US student, known only as Ben, claims he had a one-night...Read more >>

Obama ve avances en primer viaje a Afganistán

El presidente de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, realizó el domingo el primer viaje de su presidencia a Afganistán, donde dijo que la campaña militar había hecho progresos pero que su par afgano Hamid Karzai aún tenía que abordar la corrupción. .Lee Más >>

Hugo Chávez espera salida de Álvaro Uribe

Quito.- El presidente de Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, mantendrá “congeladas” las relaciones diplomáticas con Colombia hasta las elecciones presidenciales en esa nación y espera que el próximo Gobierno recupere “la brújula”, informó ayer la Agencia Pública de Noticias de Ecuador y Suramérica (Andes)..Read more >>

NY apagó sus rascacielos en “La Hora del Planeta”

Nueva York.- Nueva York se sumó ayer a la jornada mundial contra el calentamiento climático apagando la iluminación de varios de sus rascacielos emblemáticos como el Empire State o el Chrysler, pero la mayoría de los carteles luminosos de Times Square permanecieron encendidos.Read more >>

Tiger Woods' iPhone -- Porn and Cartoons!

Our source - very close to the situation - says the golfer regularly loaded his iPhone with stimulating content ... and porn, too ... but that was before he went to rehab.
... and no , they don't sell XXX content at the App Store..Read more >>

Jennifer Aniston -- Nice Butler

As Gerard Butler and Jen struck poses from the front, an enterprising photog got the real story from behind.
The pics were taken on the Seine River in Paris, during their tour hawking "The Bounty Hunter."
Looks like the hunter caught his prey.