WASHINGTON.- El presidente de Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, dijo que podría no existir un "apetito" en el Congreso para abordar inmediatamente el complejo tema de la reforma al sistema de inmigración.
Dada la cantidad de trabajo sobre la legislación energética y la inquietud de los congresistas sobre las próximas elecciones, una reforma inmigratoria podría ser demasiado, dijo Obama a la prensa en el Air Force One cuando le preguntaron si creía que la reforma podría ser aprobada este año.
"Hemos pasado un año muy duro y he trabajado bastante con el Congreso, así que sé que podría no existir un apetito para zambullirse inmediatamente en otro tema controvertido", manifestó Obama.Lee Más >>
Thursday, April 29, 2010
How Often Do You Have Sex?
This question comes from Sex Polls in our TrèsSugar Community. Feel free to add your advice in the comments!
How often do you and your partner have sex? It would be interesting to see real numbers from a large poll. You hear it all (from 18 times a day to never!), and I'd really like to get a better glimpse at the truth. You can give details in the comments: are you married? How long have you been together? I'm sure a lot of us are wondering!.
So tell me, how often do you get it on?
How often do you and your partner have sex? It would be interesting to see real numbers from a large poll. You hear it all (from 18 times a day to never!), and I'd really like to get a better glimpse at the truth. You can give details in the comments: are you married? How long have you been together? I'm sure a lot of us are wondering!.
So tell me, how often do you get it on?
How Often Do You Have Sex?
Six foods to help you lose weight
Green tea
Go green, with your tea at least. Studies in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that green tea speeds up your metabolism so that you burn more calories. Five cups a day are needed for best results.
Go green, with your tea at least. Studies in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that green tea speeds up your metabolism so that you burn more calories. Five cups a day are needed for best results.
The MH pleasure-enhancer: priming
Part 3: priming
In the time it takes Usain Bolt to out-date your Guinness Book of Records, things are happening ‘downtown'. Specialised tissues in your penis trap increased blood-flow to make it hypersensitive. A complex nerve circuit board is now completed and your body is caught in a lust loop. "Titillating signals are sent back up to your hypothalamus, which responds to the sensations in the genitals," says neuroscientist Janniko R. Georgiadis from the University of Groningen in Holland. It sends more pleasure impulses back down to the shop-floor and pumps blood harder. "The greater the blood supply to the penis the more nerve endings are activated and the more intense the sensory experience," says Dr Arthur Bennet, associate professor of urology at Johns Hopkins University.Read more >>
In the time it takes Usain Bolt to out-date your Guinness Book of Records, things are happening ‘downtown'. Specialised tissues in your penis trap increased blood-flow to make it hypersensitive. A complex nerve circuit board is now completed and your body is caught in a lust loop. "Titillating signals are sent back up to your hypothalamus, which responds to the sensations in the genitals," says neuroscientist Janniko R. Georgiadis from the University of Groningen in Holland. It sends more pleasure impulses back down to the shop-floor and pumps blood harder. "The greater the blood supply to the penis the more nerve endings are activated and the more intense the sensory experience," says Dr Arthur Bennet, associate professor of urology at Johns Hopkins University.Read more >>
Women love you in... chambray shirts
Why wear it?
We girls never could resist a sailor – and naval inspired chambray is the way to sail straight into our eyeline. The linen-finished, white weft cloth is a lightweight classic. Crisply ironed and paired with a knitted tie, or worn with a T-shirt underneath, this is the shirt that will cover a multitude of wardrobe bases.
We girls never could resist a sailor – and naval inspired chambray is the way to sail straight into our eyeline. The linen-finished, white weft cloth is a lightweight classic. Crisply ironed and paired with a knitted tie, or worn with a T-shirt underneath, this is the shirt that will cover a multitude of wardrobe bases.
Dile adiós al estrés con cuatro alimentos deliciosos…
Por Nancy Neirick, MS RD
Todos sufrimos de estrés, es casi imposible escaparse de él: el tráfico, la pérdida de trabajo, una enfermedad, etc. El estrés puede dañar tu salud tremendamente. Te sube la presión, te sube el azúcar y te hace comer alimentos que son malos para tu cintura. Y por si fuera poco, te quita el sueño, te deprime y te roba de nutrientes que tu cuerpo necesita, principalmente proteína, calcio y vitamina C.
Afortunadamente una dieta adecuada puede ayudarte a reducir su impacto en tu cuerpo y a reparar el daño. Pero ¿qué puedes comer cuando te ataca el estrés? Aquí unos consejos deliciosos:.Lee Más >>
Todos sufrimos de estrés, es casi imposible escaparse de él: el tráfico, la pérdida de trabajo, una enfermedad, etc. El estrés puede dañar tu salud tremendamente. Te sube la presión, te sube el azúcar y te hace comer alimentos que son malos para tu cintura. Y por si fuera poco, te quita el sueño, te deprime y te roba de nutrientes que tu cuerpo necesita, principalmente proteína, calcio y vitamina C.
Afortunadamente una dieta adecuada puede ayudarte a reducir su impacto en tu cuerpo y a reparar el daño. Pero ¿qué puedes comer cuando te ataca el estrés? Aquí unos consejos deliciosos:.Lee Más >>
8 formas de aliviar el estrés
El estrés es la enfermedad moderna. Todo el mundo se queja de padecerlo y muchas otras enfermedades se deben a él. ¿Qué puedes hacer para aliviarlo y disfrutar más de la vida? En Vida y Salud te contamos sobre algunas estrategias para relajarte y dejar a un lado el estrés.
Sales temprano de casa, y te encuentras con tanto tráfico, que terminas llegando tarde al trabajo o a una cita importante. A partir de ese retraso, todo el día se te complica y las cosas no salen como pensabas. ¿La reacción normal de estos tiempos? Estresarse, como si eso solucionara algo. Pero en realidad, el estrés no ayuda, por el contrario, te causa problemas de salud y te produce más estrés y preocupaciones. Es un círculo vicioso. Para romperlo, lo mejor es seguir técnicas de relajación para el cuerpo y la mente.
Si eres de las personas que vives agobiadas por el estrés, te servirá aprender cómo combatirlo.Lee Más >>
Sales temprano de casa, y te encuentras con tanto tráfico, que terminas llegando tarde al trabajo o a una cita importante. A partir de ese retraso, todo el día se te complica y las cosas no salen como pensabas. ¿La reacción normal de estos tiempos? Estresarse, como si eso solucionara algo. Pero en realidad, el estrés no ayuda, por el contrario, te causa problemas de salud y te produce más estrés y preocupaciones. Es un círculo vicioso. Para romperlo, lo mejor es seguir técnicas de relajación para el cuerpo y la mente.
Si eres de las personas que vives agobiadas por el estrés, te servirá aprender cómo combatirlo.Lee Más >>
8 formas de aliviar el estrés
5 Easy Tips For Preventing Ingrown Hairs
Ah, ingrowns. They're painful, they look unpleasant, and they have a nasty tendency to show up in your most sensitive spots. Especially since bikinis and short-shorts are only a few weeks away, there's no better time to find out how to prevent them from happening. Yani Cifuentes, a waxing professional from LA's Stark Waxing Studio, talked to me about what we can do to keep ingrowns from rearing their ugly heads. To get her advice, just.Read more >>
Jesse James: Sandra Bullock is the love of my life
Sandra Bullock's husband has broken his silence about her plans to divorce him.The Oscar-winning actress and Jesse James, 41, separated following...Read more >>
VIDEO The Back-up Plan premiere
Jennifer Lopez and her co-star Alex O'Loughlin talk about their new film The Back-up Plan.The film is about a single woman so desperate for a baby...Read more >>
VIDEO The Back-up Plan premiere
What type of partner are you?
Do you ever wonder what type of partner you are? Are you the type to get jealous if he spends more time with his workmates than you, or are you happy for him to go out as much as he likes? Take our love test and find out!
If you want to know what partner type you fit in to (even if you've already got your sneaking suspicions!) then you need to take this quiz! Remember to keep a tally of how many of your answers fit into each category - then just count them up at the end of the test to find out what type of partner you are...
Question 1
If you want to know what partner type you fit in to (even if you've already got your sneaking suspicions!) then you need to take this quiz! Remember to keep a tally of how many of your answers fit into each category - then just count them up at the end of the test to find out what type of partner you are...
Question 1
What type of partner are you?