"Always on" antivirus y bajo demanda escáner ayuda a mantener su dispositivo protegido contra virus y aplicaciones no seguras. Uno de exploración táctil y exploración programación se proporcionan, así como una función del sistema "SCAN" que identifica rápidamente los virus, aplicaciones inseguras.
✔ protección en tiempo real - análisis de seguridad móviles las aplicaciones instaladas y archivos locales APK en el tiempo y los monitores de cada proceso de instalación real.
✔ Nube de exploración - Protección contra sobre-el-aire de los virus.
✔ Scan tarjeta SD - Escanea tarjetas SD externa para detectar y eliminar las amenazas.
✔ programación de análisis - Análisis automático a intervalos regulares
✔ Bloqueo de llamadas - opción de bloquear las llamadas entrantes
✔ Secure Wi-Fi - encriptación punto de acceso Wi-Fi y la verificación de seguridad estándar antes de la conexión
✔ Navegación segura - Proporcionar notificación de alerta (sólo en Chrome), al intentar abrir un potencial de direcciones URL con riesgo
Encuentra mi teléfono - Anti Robo
Friday, July 22, 2016
Comodo Mobile Security
"Always on" antivirus and on-demand scanner helps keep your device protected against viruses and unsafe apps. One touch scanning and scheduling scan are provided as well as a system “SCAN” feature that quickly identifies viruses, unsafe apps.
✔Real Time Protection - Mobile Security scans installed apps and local APK files in real time and monitors each installation process.
✔ Cloud Scan - Over-the-air protection from viruses.
✔ SD Card Scan - Scans external SD cards to detect and delete threats.
✔ Schedule Scan - Automatic scans at regular intervals
✔ Call Blocking - Option to block incoming calls
✔ Secure Wi-Fi - Wi-Fi hotspot encryption and standard security verification prior to connection
✔ Secure Browsing - Provide notification alert (only in Chrome), when trying to open a potential risky URL address
Find My Phone – Anti Theft
Where is my Phone? – Don’t worry about your phone even if it is lost or stolen. You can control your devices remotely from any location, any time. Manage all your devices through your personalized account.;postID=3596932717627024127
"Always on" antivirus and on-demand scanner helps keep your device protected against viruses and unsafe apps. One touch scanning and scheduling scan are provided as well as a system “SCAN” feature that quickly identifies viruses, unsafe apps.
✔Real Time Protection - Mobile Security scans installed apps and local APK files in real time and monitors each installation process.
✔ Cloud Scan - Over-the-air protection from viruses.
✔ SD Card Scan - Scans external SD cards to detect and delete threats.
✔ Schedule Scan - Automatic scans at regular intervals
✔ Call Blocking - Option to block incoming calls
✔ Secure Wi-Fi - Wi-Fi hotspot encryption and standard security verification prior to connection
✔ Secure Browsing - Provide notification alert (only in Chrome), when trying to open a potential risky URL address
Find My Phone – Anti Theft
Where is my Phone? – Don’t worry about your phone even if it is lost or stolen. You can control your devices remotely from any location, any time. Manage all your devices through your personalized account.;postID=3596932717627024127