Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Most Iconic VMA Moments: The Awards Show Share The Results Are In!

Today, friends, the voting period for our three Most Iconic VMA Moments categories comes to an end. But do not feel sad, for there's still one big moment left to savor. Give your voting fingers a rest, do a little jig down the red carpet of your mind, enter the auditorium, take your seat in the font row, and enjoy the drama-filled festivities after the jump.

6 Stories You May Have Missed

It's Baby's First Trip!
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West's daughter, North, is already becoming quite the little jet-setter. The family was recently spotted in Oklahoma for the little girl's first across-state-lines trip. Get the details on Us Weekly.
Yes, even the mighty can fall. The "Bow Down" crooner was reportedly met with boos when she hit the stage at England's V Festival over the weekend. Find out why the audience was mad at the usually-lovable songstress on Huffington Post.
It's about damn time, HBO! The True Blood actor stripped down to his birthday suit for the sexy show's season finale this Sunday. Socialite Life has the scandalous shots.

What Does Britney Spears' Mysterious Countdown Clock Mean?

While it's not explicitly stated what the clock is counting down to, it's probably something related to Spears' upcoming eighth studio album. Spears released "Ooh La La" for The Smurfs 2 earlier this year, but has not released a full album since 2011's "Femme Fatale." However, she's recently teased new music several times, saying it's coming "MUCH sooner than you think" and tweeting about dance rehearsals. Meanwhile, Spears' producer Naughty Boy recently revealed that we could expect a single from Spears in a "couple of weeks," which would match up with the countdown clock's timeline.
While Spears has been tight-lipped about her upcoming album, producer William Orbit wrote on Facebook, "going to cut vocals in LA with Britney in a few weeks. We've songs to die for." In addition to Orbit (who produced Madonna's "Ray of Light") and Naughty Boy (Leona Lewis' "Trouble"), Spears is also working with her "Scream and Shout" collaborator Will.i.am on the as-yet-untitled eighth album.

Demi Lovato Turns 21: See Her Style Evolution

My, my, how the time flies.

Growing up in front of our very eyes, Demi Lovato is turning 21 and there is no doubt the "Made In The U.S.A." singer has blossomed under the spotlight. From her humble beginnings on Barney & Friends to rocking out at sold-out shows, Lovato has transformed from a squeaky clean Disney starlet to a feisty fashionista

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What's really in your dinner?

The Twitter jokes are long past the final furlong (even that one about getting the trots from eating “bologneighs”). But in the wake of the horsemeat scandal, we’re all rethinking our meat: three in five Brits have since changed their shopping habits, says a Which? survey. It’s quite understandable – as well as added Shergar, there were reports of steroids and other chemicals being pumped into our ready meals. Now, as the food industry takes stock, MH brings you the facts on what’s really in your budget burger, and why My Lidl Pony could be the least of your worries. And they’re off…
Aldi Today's Special Spaghetti Bolognese
Horsemeat up to 100%
Calories* 116
Protein 6.5g
Fat 2g
Sat fat 1g
“The issue is food fraud, not food safety,” says Dr Glenys Jones from the Nutrition Society. If you did buy ALDI’s ‘contaminated’ spag bol, you didn’t get what was advertised – you got something healthier. Horse mince packs the same muscle-building protein as beef for a leaner post-workout giddy-up.
“It has a third of beef’s saturates,” says Walter Murray, of specialist butchers Kezie Foods. So don’t be so long in the face. Opt for lean cuts of fillet, haunch and rump from specialist butchers. A 500g pack of horse mince from Kezie costs £3.53, which is a little cheaper than Tesco’s beef mince. Trojan nutrition at its finest.
Asda Smart Price Corned Beef
Horsemeat up to 50%
Calories 220
Protein 25g
Fat 13g
Sat fat 6.5g

¿Cuánto ejercicio debes hacer para perder peso?

Unos se inscriben en un gimnasio y asisten disciplinadamente casi todos los días. Otros, esperan al fin de semana para ejercitarse durante varias horas. ¿El objetivo? Perder peso y ponerse en forma. ¿Qué funciona mejor? ¿Existe un “número mágico” que dé mejores resultados en la ecuación ejercicio/pérdida de peso? Al parecer sí. Descúbrelo aquí.
Esas libras o kilos de más que tanto deseas perder se han ido acumulando porque consumes más calorías que las que tu cuerpo “quema” o utiliza a diario para funcionar. El ejercicio físico requiere más energía (más calorías que se usan y queman), por eso es una magnífica forma de eliminar el exceso de peso. Ahora bien, ¿qué cantidad de ejercicio puede darte mejores resultados?

¡Me duele la espalda! ¿Qué hago?

Si alguna vez has dicho esto, eres parte de las ocho de cada diez personas que sufren de dolor de espalda en algún momento de sus vidas. El dolor de espalda puede ser agudo o crónico y sus causas pueden variar. No dejes de leer acerca del dolor de espalda, una de las causas más comunes de consulta a los médicos.
Si alguna vez has levantado un objeto pesado, pasas horas sentado, hiciste un mal movimiento, o simplemente sufriste un golpe puede que te sufras de dolor de espalda.
Este dolor puede ser leve y constante, o presentarse como punzadas que te dificultan el movimiento. También puede surgir de repente, debido a una caída o algún problema con la alineación de tus huesos.
Un dolor de espalda se clasifica como agudo cuando aparece súbitamente y dura algunos días o pocas semanas. Si en cambio, el dolor de espalda dura más de tres meses, se dice que es crónico.

Los adolescentes casi siempre tienen hambre, pero no siempre comen bien

“¡Tengo mucha hambre!” Esta expresión podría fácilmente ser repetida por los adolescentes varias veces al día. Si eres padre o madre y tus hijos están pasando por la adolescencia, te estarás preguntando qué hacer para poder mantener la nevera llena y satisfacer el insaciable apetito de los jóvenes en la etapa de la pubertad. Aquí te hablo del tema y de la importancia de inculcarles buenos hábitos alimenticios en esta etapa de la vida.
Cuando haya que usar una expresión para exagerar las ganas de comer, en lugar de usar “más apetito que el de un león”, habría que decir “más hambriento que un adolescente”. Si tienes hijos(as) adolescentes, sabrás perfectamente de lo que estoy hablando.

Avicii - Wake Me Up (Lyric Video


Katy Perry - Roar (Lyric Video)


One Direction - Best Song Ever

Lady Gaga - Applause (Official)