Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Britney Spears Stuns in Skin-Tight, Nude Mini Dress at FOX’s Upfronts (PHOTOS)

How amazing does Britney Spears look?!
The brand-new X Factor judge was seen outside FOX’s Upfronts in NYC on Monday afternoon, and looked fabulous in a nude mini dress. Joined by her fiance Jason Trawick, the two were spotted mere minutes before the big announcement was (officially) made.
Though FOX’s hit reality singing competition won’t air until the fall, get used to seeing the 30-year-old “Toxic” singer around much more!

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Reboot your relationship

Off button: You've stopped chasing her

Women are socially and evolutionarily conditioned to get off on the thrill of being chased and putting potential mates through their paces. Without this pursuit, her excitatory neurotransmitters – epinephrine and norepinephrine – become lazy and don't give her the same libido-lifting chemical hit. Which means dull sex for both of you.

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Is she Miss Right or Miss Wrong?

Female Bureau of Investigation

When it comes to police dramas we know the drill: entire days spent observing a suspect, analysing their motives. But what if you could apply those theories to dating? So instead of basing decisions on her initial appearance, you could use key detection techniques to suss her out properly? It’s not as far-fetched as it sounds.
“About 90% of law enforcement involves analysing nonverbal responses,” says former FBI agent Joe Navarro. “You could certainly use those same skills to uncover undesirable behaviours in a woman.” So stop, look and listen – and make sure that engine’s still running outside...

Say cheese

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Get your RDA of sex

Available today, a regular intake of this health-giving nutrient will change your life. It’s the best thing out there for a man who wants to protect himself from cancer, heart attacks, stress and more. If you want to feel physically better, mentally stronger and have a jolly good time while you do so, then this supplement is for you. It’s not new, and don’t worry, it’s not a scam – it’s called sex. It’s free (usually) and you can start your course of treatment whenever you feel like it. Which, MH advises, should be as soon as the object of your affection agrees to administer the relevant prescription.

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Supercharge your sex drive

Do as Frankie says

"Out of the 40% of people who claim to have sex more than three times a week, most are probably overestimating," believes Dr Sarah Brewer, author of Increase Your Sex Drive. So, though you might think that everyone but you is at it like rabbits, this is unlikely to be the case. Often, adds Brewer, a decreased libido is simply the result of stress – and all you need to get back on tip-top form is to learn how to relax. Something as simple as taking a bath can significantly lower the cortisol (the stress-inducing hormone) levels in your body.

Build a pitch-ready body

Do 8x15 second sprints with 15-second rests," says Erith.
And throw in sharp changes of direction to build acceleration and deceleration.

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Lose weight, keep your muscle

Increasing your type-II (fast twitch) muscle fibres through strength training reduces body fat and insulin resistance, Boston University researchers found. “Those muscle fibres don’t burn fat, but they signal other body tissues to ramp up fat usage,” says study author, Dr Kenneth Walsh. “Warm-up with bodyweight exercises,” says conditioning specialist Craig Ballantyne. Finish with a cardio interval session and start looking forward to the beach.

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Five ways to last longer in bed

The one thing that everyone seems to want more of is sex. So once you’ve done the hard work of setting the scene, getting her in the mood and making sure you’re wearing your best pants, why not make the actual event something to savour, rather than a time trial?
Try one of these techniques tonight, taken from the new Men’s Health Big Book of Sex, and prepare to maximise pleasure for you and your partner.

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La masturbación femenina: Aclarando mitos que limitan el placer sexual de la mujer

La autoestimulación sexual o masturbación femenina es uno de los temas que envuelven una mayor cantidad de tabúes y mitos dentro de la sociedad, los cuales limitan a la mujer y le prohíben conocer mejor su cuerpo y disfrutar más de su sexualidad. Sin embargo, aun cuando ésta es una práctica natural, puede representar un gran conflicto en las mentes de muchas féminas, que batallan entre conceptos errados aprendidos y sus propios deseos.
Este mes se conoce, entre otras cosas, como el Mes Nacional de la Masturbación, y en entrevista con HuffPost Voces, la Educadora en Sexualidad Certificada, Yesenia Méndez Sierra, nos aclara algunas de las dudas más comunes y provee respuestas a muchas de las preguntas más difíciles con relación a este tema.

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Ataque cardíaco o paro cardíaco, ¿cuál es la diferencia?

Aunque se les confunde con frecuencia, un ataque al corazón o infarto es diferente a un paro cardíaco. En este artículo te contamos la diferencia para que puedas reconocer cada una de estas situaciones y actuar con velocidad ante una emergencia médica.
Un ataque al corazón o infarto de miocardio es diferente a un paro cardíaco, aunque ambos pueden dejar secuelas permanentes en las personas que los sufren y también tener consecuencias tan serias como la muerte.

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