Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Inside the Infidelity Club

the Internet were a high school, the message board jokingly named Cleveland would be the spot by the bleachers where the wisecracking bad girls hang out. I love Cleveland. I can't stay away. Cleveland is controlled by a small band of outlaws whose customs fascinate me: They are all adulterous moms.

My own marriage of seven years is...interesting. My husband and I both like control, and not infrequently we have heated discussions — arguments — okay, fights. We regularly resolve to do better, but on whose terms will we do better? His! Mine! Round and round, and then we're making up and falling back in love, until before long we're "discussing" again. Over our total 10 years together, this rhythm, which others might find unbearable, has become familiar and even comfortable, mostly because it's ours. And in spite of the storm cycles, there have been no big betrayals — no affairs — or at least, um, none that I know of.