According to a New Mexico State University study, there is an evolutionary advantage to being a ‘bad boy’, in terms of attractiveness to the opposite sex. You’ll need to carefully balance three characteristics dubbed “The Dark Triad”: narcissism, Machiavellianism, and psychopathy. Here’s how you do it...
What? A thrill-seeking bent
Why? “When people feel threatened they seek out physical contact from others to reassure them. The desire to mate suddenly becomes much stronger,” says Heather Rupp of the Kinsey Institute.
How? Take her to a movie that has a few high adrenaline ‘shocks’ in it. Research at the University of California found these make her more sexually aroused. Afterwards jump in a cab to a cocktail bar to complete the thrill-seeking effect.
Too far: Dinner, movie, BASE jump.
Why? “When people feel threatened they seek out physical contact from others to reassure them. The desire to mate suddenly becomes much stronger,” says Heather Rupp of the Kinsey Institute.
How? Take her to a movie that has a few high adrenaline ‘shocks’ in it. Research at the University of California found these make her more sexually aroused. Afterwards jump in a cab to a cocktail bar to complete the thrill-seeking effect.
Too far: Dinner, movie, BASE jump.
What? A level of self-obsession
Why? Our ancestors maximised their reproductive potential by swinging their‘clubs’ as much as possible, taking off before any kids arrived. “Women still associate certain selfish behaviours with reproductive prowess”, says Rupp.
How? “Ensuring you have plenty of activities that don’t involve her suggests confidence in being alone,” says Rupp. This feeds the belief that you are, genetically, a prime mover.
Too far: Winking at your reflection in the dessert spoon.Read More >
Why? Our ancestors maximised their reproductive potential by swinging their‘clubs’ as much as possible, taking off before any kids arrived. “Women still associate certain selfish behaviours with reproductive prowess”, says Rupp.
How? “Ensuring you have plenty of activities that don’t involve her suggests confidence in being alone,” says Rupp. This feeds the belief that you are, genetically, a prime mover.
Too far: Winking at your reflection in the dessert spoon.Read More >
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