What are the most powerful muscles in your body? You bet your ass it’s your glutes. Or at least they would be if you didn’t just sit on them all day. Whether you want to be more athletic or just bigger, you need to go deep – most exercises don’t allow your thighs to go much lower than parallel to the ground, limiting muscle activation. But there is one (well, two). “This reverse-lunge step-up hybrid enables a bigger range of motion at the hip, and builds single-leg stability,” says strength coach Bret Contreras, AKA “The Glute Guy”. Time to get off your backside.
Get high
Stand on a step or box about mid-shin height. This will give you that range of motion we were talking about.
Step off
Hold a dumbbell in your left hand and (carefully) step back off the box with your left leg.
Go deep
Sink into a lunge – without wobbling. The uneven load forces your whole body into action.
Power up
When your knee nears the ground, push through your front heel to reverse. Do 3 sets of 10. On each
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