In the newest installment of the 'WTF with Marc Maron Podcast,' the 47-year-old stand-up comedian shared a big secret with his listeners.
Preparing for a new live tour, the potentially imploding star known as Charlie Sheen got some personal wisdom from Maron himself. Maron, who knew a promoter working on Sheen's upcoming 20-city tour dubbed 'My Violent Torpedo of Truth/Defeat is Not An Option Show,' was asked to advise the erstwhile 'Two and a Half Men' star.
"This dude has an agenda, he has a vision. And many of you have heard part of that vision. But there's a bigger vision there," Maron said of his initial hotel meeting with Sheen, one of the goddesses and the tour promoter.
Maron ended up going to Sheen's home twice to see the workings of 'Violent Torpedo of Truth' being hammered out. "There was just a lot of people putting a lot of work into making this spectacle, this show, this event into something," Maron said.
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