Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Prevent strokes with tomato ketchup Tomatoes more than halve your stroke risk to keep the lights on for longer

Frankly, MH is bored of telling you about the cancer-beating benefit of tomatoes – specifically, their key nutrient lycopene. So here’s a new one: increased consumption of the superfruit – and its products – reduces your chances of a stroke by 55%, according to a study in the journal Neurology. It found that lycopene mops up free radicals before they cause blockages that restrict blood supply to your brain. If you’re also bored of tomatoes, you can get the nutrient from chilli peppers, watermelon, pink grapefruit – and yes, a certain condiment. In fact, the lycopene in ketchup is actually more bioavailable than the raw fruit. Just be sure to buy organic varieties (they have three times as much) and go unsweetened – the darker, the better. Suddenly adding red sauce seems like a much brighter idea.

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