1. Put her at ease
If your date is nervous, help her discard her inhibitions by being sympathetic towards an inept barman or forgetful waiter. "Fear of being judged is a big factor with speaking up," explains public speaking coach Sarah Lloyd-Hughes. "People instantly relax when they sense a benevolent audience.”
She'll be more game to flirt when she feels grounded. It's as simple as making her aware of her feet. If she's wearing heels, jokingly admire her ability to walk in them. If she's perched awkwardly on a high stol, ask her to step off it. If standing at the bar, rest your weight on your back foot. "If you're angled away, she'll be drawn forwards," says Lloyd-Hughes. "This unconsciously engenders a sense of audience engagement (aka, you), encouraging her to open up."
The Clincher
Bring out the flirt with cues such as 'you've made me feel really good.' Lloyd-Hughes says: "When speakers know they're eliciting positive emotions in their audience they are less self-conscious about what they are saying.” Lee Más »»
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