Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The 10 golden rules of muscle building

Build A Cover Model Body, the new book from Men's Health, has been 10 years in the making. It takes its inspiration from the hundreds of readers and writers who, over the last decade, have proved in our pages that you don't have to be superhuman to get into incredible shape.
Men's Health has more real-life case studies and therefore more know-how than any other publication in the world. In this extract, we distill all our knowledge and experience into 10 basic principles. Stick to these and your efforts will be rewarded with a leaner, more muscular body.
For more detail on these principles, along with workouts, nutrition plans and inside stories from Cover Model Competition finalists, get your copy today for just £9.99 (including P&P). For a digital version, download the Men's Health app from the Apple Newsstand and go to 'special editions'.

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