Saturday, March 26, 2011

Four ways to boost your health with sex

1. On the head

Have a thumpingheadache? Leavethe pills to the wimpsand have sex instead.Studies show thatintense feelings ofpassionate love havethe same effect on yourbrain’s pain receptorsas paracetamol.
Source: State Universityof New York

2. Help yourself

This may well be theeasiest prescriptionyou’ll ever receive:masturbating at least fivetimes a week can reduceyour risk of prostatecancer by over a third,as the ejaculation blocksout carcinogens from theprostate gland.
Source: The Cancer Council,Victoria, Australia

3. Keep it regular

A little fornicationreleases testosterone,which strengthens bonesand muscles, whilethe chemicals releasedboost your immunesystem. Three timesa week will provide age-defyingbenefits. Findinga partner is up to you.  Read more »»