Sunday, April 25, 2010

Michaels Rep: "Bret Is a Fighter," but Condition Still Critical

J. Shearer/Getty Images
Bret Michaels remains under round-the-clock supervision as doctors scramble to find the cause of the brain bleeding that has left him in critical condition for the past four days.
"At this point Bret remains in ICU in critical condition," reads a message from Michaels' rep on the Rock of Love star's Facebook page. "He is under 24-hour doctors care and supervision. We are hopeful that further tests will locate the source of the bleeding, which has still not been located. As we all know Bret is a fighter and we are hopeful that once all is complete the slurred speech, blurred vision and dizziness, etc. will be eliminated and all functions will return to normal."
The rep also thanked fans and friends for "their continued thoughts andrayers through this difficult time".
Keep fighting, Bret. We're rooting for you.
Stay on top of the latest breaking updates of Bret Michaels's condition right.Read more >>