Santo Domingo.- Al elegir el nombre de “Apasionados” para la primera telenovela juvenil dominicana, decretaron lo que sería el motor de los actores y todo el equipo de producción de este proyecto, pues el permanecer hasta catorce horas corridas filmando diariamente solo encuentra explicación en la pasión que sienten por el arte y la propuesta que mañana se estrenará en el ámbito nacional a partir de las 8 de la noche en Antena Latina, canal 7.
Estamos muy nerviosos con el estreno, queremos saber cuál será la reacción de la gente”, manifestó entusiasmado el elenco de jovenes actores.
El rumbo de la trama así como el número de capítulos grabados dependerán de la recepción que tenga en la audiencia la historia de ocho jovenes que coinciden laborando en un bar en el que descubren tener una pasión en común: el baile.
“En primera instancia tenemos en agenda grabar unos cien capítulos pero esto va a depender mucho de la gente. Las técnicas que estamos utilizando es ir grabando mientras se va transmitiendo, es una metodología que se utiliza en muchos países”, explicó Daniel Casals, director y creador de la telenovela.
Segir leyendo...
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Haití mantiene presos a 9 estadounidenses por sospecha de tráfico de niños
La policía haitiana mantenía el domingo a nueve ciudadanos estadounidenses miembros de un grupo cristiano detenidos bajo cargos de tráfico de niños, después de haber intentado abandonar el país con 33 menores haitianos sin ningún documento apropiado, según las autoridades. Seguir leyendo el arículo
La ministra de Cultura y Comunicaciones de Haití, Marie-Laurence Jocelyn Lassegue, dijo que los ciudadanos estadounidenses fueron detenidos mientras intentaban el viernes por la noche cruzar a República Dominicana con los niños de entre dos meses hasta 12 y 14 años
La policía fronteriza "vio un bus con muchos niños. Treinta y tres niños. Cuando le pedimos los documentos por estos menores no tenían ningún tipo de documento", explicó la ministra.
Segir leyendos.....
La ministra de Cultura y Comunicaciones de Haití, Marie-Laurence Jocelyn Lassegue, dijo que los ciudadanos estadounidenses fueron detenidos mientras intentaban el viernes por la noche cruzar a República Dominicana con los niños de entre dos meses hasta 12 y 14 años
La policía fronteriza "vio un bus con muchos niños. Treinta y tres niños. Cuando le pedimos los documentos por estos menores no tenían ningún tipo de documento", explicó la ministra.
Segir leyendos.....
Nuevos misterios sobre Da Vinci
La Mona Lisa es un autorretrato de Leonardo da Vinci?
La leyenda de Leonardo da Vinci está rodeada de misterios: ¿Cómo murió? ¿Los restos enterrados en un castillo francés son realmente los suyos? ¿Fue la "Mona Lisa" un autorretrato?
Un grupo de científicos italianos quiere resolver algunos de esos rompecabezas analizando sus restos.
Ya han pedido permiso a las autoridades francesas para exhumar el cadáver y hacer análisis de ADN y de antigüedad.
Si el cráneo está intacto, los científicos podrían tratar de esclarecer un enigma de siglos: la identidad de la Mona Lisa. O, más específicamente, haciendo una reconstrucción virtual y física del rostro de da Vinci, se podría determinar si la cara sonriente del cuadro puede ser la del maestro renacentista, como sospechan algunos, dijeron a la AP expertos involucrados en el proyecto.
"No sabemos qué encontraremos cuando se abra la tumba; tal vez hallemos apenas polvo", expresó Giorgio Gruppioni, un antropólogo que participa en el proyecto. "Pero si los restos están bien preservados, hay un archivo biológico que registra los eventos en la vida de una persona, y a veces en la muerte".
Segir leyendo.....
La leyenda de Leonardo da Vinci está rodeada de misterios: ¿Cómo murió? ¿Los restos enterrados en un castillo francés son realmente los suyos? ¿Fue la "Mona Lisa" un autorretrato?
Un grupo de científicos italianos quiere resolver algunos de esos rompecabezas analizando sus restos.
Ya han pedido permiso a las autoridades francesas para exhumar el cadáver y hacer análisis de ADN y de antigüedad.
Si el cráneo está intacto, los científicos podrían tratar de esclarecer un enigma de siglos: la identidad de la Mona Lisa. O, más específicamente, haciendo una reconstrucción virtual y física del rostro de da Vinci, se podría determinar si la cara sonriente del cuadro puede ser la del maestro renacentista, como sospechan algunos, dijeron a la AP expertos involucrados en el proyecto.
"No sabemos qué encontraremos cuando se abra la tumba; tal vez hallemos apenas polvo", expresó Giorgio Gruppioni, un antropólogo que participa en el proyecto. "Pero si los restos están bien preservados, hay un archivo biológico que registra los eventos en la vida de una persona, y a veces en la muerte".
Segir leyendo.....
Nuevos misterios sobre Da Vinci
Reporter's Notebook: St. Redford's Brat Pack?
Chace Crawford, Emma Roberts, Rory Culkin, Zoe Kravitz and...50 Cent? Is the world ready for Brat Pack 2.0?
St. Elmo's Fire director Joel Schumacher is no slouch in the star-making department. With his Sundance-closing Twelve, he returns to the type of young adult-oriented fare for which he's best known. The high-society teen melodrama brings together a new batch of young rising actors bound to make a big impact on the big screen.
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St. Elmo's Fire director Joel Schumacher is no slouch in the star-making department. With his Sundance-closing Twelve, he returns to the type of young adult-oriented fare for which he's best known. The high-society teen melodrama brings together a new batch of young rising actors bound to make a big impact on the big screen.
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Reporter's Notebook
Brangelina Totally Together at DGAs!
This is one way to shut up all those breakup rumors. At least for one news cycle.
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie surfaced in public for the first time in more than a month, happily dining together at the Directors Guild of America Awards Saturday night.
More to come..Keep Reading »
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie surfaced in public for the first time in more than a month, happily dining together at the Directors Guild of America Awards Saturday night.
More to come..Keep Reading »
Brangelina Totally
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Hot, Fresh Links -- Served When We Feel Like It
28 Oh, Sh**! Moments
Hopefully you'll never have one of these. (BaconBabble)
Hardly Working Yoga Class (CollegeHumor)
"Don' Stop Me Now" by Queen/Mario? (Game Trailers)
The Beatles: 1,000 Years Later (Maniac World).Keep Reading »
Hopefully you'll never have one of these. (BaconBabble)
Hardly Working Yoga Class (CollegeHumor)
"Don' Stop Me Now" by Queen/Mario? (Game Trailers)
The Beatles: 1,000 Years Later (Maniac World).Keep Reading »
Fresh Links,
Jamie Foxx Not Stepping Into Simon's Idol Shoes
Jamie Foxx would like to take over Simon Cowell's judging gig on American Idol, but the singer and actor is just too busy!
"I would love to do it but I don't think I would be able to do it," he told me at his star-studded pre-Grammy party last night. "I don't think I could fill Simon's shoes, but I would give it another perspective...what I want is for the kids to go from being contest participants to artists and that's where I would come in."
And although his A-list bash at L'Ermitage Beverly Hills was filled with his famous friends including Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore, Jake Gyllenhaal, Jessica Alba, Gerard Butler, Justin Timberlake, Jessica Biel and Paris Hilton, Jamie dished about who he really wants to see this Sunday at the Grammys...Keep Reading »
"I would love to do it but I don't think I would be able to do it," he told me at his star-studded pre-Grammy party last night. "I don't think I could fill Simon's shoes, but I would give it another perspective...what I want is for the kids to go from being contest participants to artists and that's where I would come in."
And although his A-list bash at L'Ermitage Beverly Hills was filled with his famous friends including Ashton Kutcher, Demi Moore, Jake Gyllenhaal, Jessica Alba, Gerard Butler, Justin Timberlake, Jessica Biel and Paris Hilton, Jamie dished about who he really wants to see this Sunday at the Grammys...Keep Reading »
Jamie Foxx Not
Christina wants babies!
A year and a half ago, Christina Applegate announced she'd been diagnosed with breast cancer and had undergone a double mastectomy. Now, the Emmy-winning actress, 38, is stronger than ever and has a brand-new outlook on life. “You look at life a little bit differently,” Christina told In Touch while being honored at the EIF’s Women’s Cancer Research Fund event on January 27. “You don’t let any stress into your life, and you do a total 180 from where you were.” Christina, who has been dedicating a lot of her time to promoting awareness about the disease, admits that she has plenty of things to accomplish in the future. “I want to work with Meryl Streep, I want to go to Greece, and I may want to jump out of a plane,” she said. “And babies, lots of babies. Well, not lots of babies, but a.Keep Reading »
Christina wants
Justin Timberlake & Jessica Biel: Timbaland Twosome
Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel head to a Timbaland concert at the House of Blues in Hollywood on Friday (January 29).
The 28-year-old entertainer and his 27-year-old sweetheart took Jess‘ parents to the concert!
It was announced late this week that the performances from Hope For Haiti Now, including Justin’s duet with Matt Morris on “Hallelujah,” raised more than $3 million for Haiti relief!
In a statement, iTunes said that the performance compilation was the downloading service’s largest one-day pre-order in history.Keep Reading »
The 28-year-old entertainer and his 27-year-old sweetheart took Jess‘ parents to the concert!
It was announced late this week that the performances from Hope For Haiti Now, including Justin’s duet with Matt Morris on “Hallelujah,” raised more than $3 million for Haiti relief!
In a statement, iTunes said that the performance compilation was the downloading service’s largest one-day pre-order in history.Keep Reading »
Justin Timberlake
Fergie: No. 1 Princess
Fergie takes a breather as she dresses down in a t-shirt saying ‘No. 1 Princess’ while walking around Los Angeles on Friday (January 29).
The 34-year-old Black Eyed Peas singer had a crazy week!
Last week started with Fergie hitting the NRJ awards in France. Then on Wednesday, she supported her man, Josh Duhamel, for the screening of The Romantics in Utah. That same evening, she made it to Los Angeles for the premiere of When In Rome and then on Thursday she hit the green carpet for the Data Awards.
10+ pictures inside of Fergie keeping busy…Keep Reading »
The 34-year-old Black Eyed Peas singer had a crazy week!
Last week started with Fergie hitting the NRJ awards in France. Then on Wednesday, she supported her man, Josh Duhamel, for the screening of The Romantics in Utah. That same evening, she made it to Los Angeles for the premiere of When In Rome and then on Thursday she hit the green carpet for the Data Awards.
10+ pictures inside of Fergie keeping busy…Keep Reading »
Nicole Kidman & Keith Urban are Rockin’ In The Free World
Nicole Kidman and her husband, Keith Urban, arrive at the 2010 MusiCares Person Of The Year Tribute at the Los Angeles Convention Center on Friday (January 29).
The 42-year-old actress and her sweetheart celebrated the work of legendary musician Neil Young at the event.
Keith rocked the house with John Fogerty as they performed a rendition of Neil’s 1989 song “Rockin’ in the Free World”.Keep Reading »
The 42-year-old actress and her sweetheart celebrated the work of legendary musician Neil Young at the event.
Keith rocked the house with John Fogerty as they performed a rendition of Neil’s 1989 song “Rockin’ in the Free World”.Keep Reading »
News From Across The Pond: Kylie Minogue sings for Haiti; Sex And The City star Kim Cattrall hints at third movie
Kylie Minogue has the last word on Simon Cowell’s Song For Haiti (more)
• Sex And The City star Kim Cattrall hints at third movie (more)
• Boyzone tribute to Stephen Gately with new album cover (more)
• Susan Boyle to sing for the Pope (more).Keep Reading »
• Sex And The City star Kim Cattrall hints at third movie (more)
• Boyzone tribute to Stephen Gately with new album cover (more)
• Susan Boyle to sing for the Pope (more).Keep Reading »
Coroner Finds Disparities in Brittany Murphy’s Medical History
Following the passing of the young actress Brittany Murphy late last year, found unconscious in her Hollywood Hills home, the L.A. County Coroner’s Office is having some difficulty piecing together the cause of her death due to disparities in her medical records.
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EE.UU., México, Venezuela y Guatemala con mayor obesidad
Tres son las naciones latinoamericanas con mayores índices de obesidad entre la población mayor de 15 años: México (5), Venezuela (6) y Guatemala (10), según una lista de la consultora Euromonitor, con el fin de mostrar a los diez países del mundo con más altas tasas de esa enfermedad en 2009.
Entre los primeros en la lista está Estados Unidos donde, en 2009, el 38.7% de los mayores de quince años era considerado obeso, frente al 31.8% de México, el 29.6% de Venezuela y el 27.5% de Guatemala.Leer más »
Entre los primeros en la lista está Estados Unidos donde, en 2009, el 38.7% de los mayores de quince años era considerado obeso, frente al 31.8% de México, el 29.6% de Venezuela y el 27.5% de Guatemala.Leer más »
Equipo Salud
Presidente Rafael Correa propone crear Organización Estados Latinoamericanos; dice no legitimará gobierno de Honduras

Is Brittany Murphy's Widower Hard Up for Cash?
Poor Brittany Murphy just can't be laid to rest.
The cause of death has yet to be released pending toxicology results, and Brittany's oddball husband, Simon Monjack, continues to raise eyebrows...
Close pals to the late star say her widowed hubby has been blatantly reaching out to them, trying to "cozy up" to Murphy's friends, in addition to showing bizarre-like allegiance on Brittany's behalf. Just yesterday Simon threatened to file a wrongful-death suit against Warner Bros., claiming Murphy's supposed firing from the Happy Feet sequel played a big part in her early passing (uh, we're Team WB here, FYI).
Friends of Brittany's, and therefore obligatory acquaintances of Simon's, tell us Monjack's weird behavior doesn't exactly come as a surprise right now.Keep Reading »
The cause of death has yet to be released pending toxicology results, and Brittany's oddball husband, Simon Monjack, continues to raise eyebrows...
Close pals to the late star say her widowed hubby has been blatantly reaching out to them, trying to "cozy up" to Murphy's friends, in addition to showing bizarre-like allegiance on Brittany's behalf. Just yesterday Simon threatened to file a wrongful-death suit against Warner Bros., claiming Murphy's supposed firing from the Happy Feet sequel played a big part in her early passing (uh, we're Team WB here, FYI).
Friends of Brittany's, and therefore obligatory acquaintances of Simon's, tell us Monjack's weird behavior doesn't exactly come as a surprise right now.Keep Reading »
awful truth
Rihanna Flying Solo to Grammys—Where's the BF?
It's Grammy time again, folks, and this year we're happy to report Rihanna will be in attendance at the awards show, rather than in admittance to the hospital like she was last year.
Thankfully, Ri-Ri has moved on from that hideous woman-attacker Chris Brown, and despite the fact the pop princess claims she's single, we can swear she's still very much dating muscle-tat man Dodger Matt Kemp.
However, E! can also confirm that her new boy will not be attending the Grammy Awards with her on Sunday.
Yikes, trouble in paradise already?
A source close to the couple tells E! News that Kemp isn't exactly thrilled about the amount of media attention he has gotten since the two started dating.
According to our lovebird insider, Matt is upset given "the negative publicity he's received over the last couple weeks."..Keep Reading »
Thankfully, Ri-Ri has moved on from that hideous woman-attacker Chris Brown, and despite the fact the pop princess claims she's single, we can swear she's still very much dating muscle-tat man Dodger Matt Kemp.
However, E! can also confirm that her new boy will not be attending the Grammy Awards with her on Sunday.
Yikes, trouble in paradise already?
A source close to the couple tells E! News that Kemp isn't exactly thrilled about the amount of media attention he has gotten since the two started dating.
According to our lovebird insider, Matt is upset given "the negative publicity he's received over the last couple weeks."..Keep Reading »
Rihanna Flying
Lady Gaga Plays "Telephone" With Grammys Secrets
Lady Gaga has a lousy poker face. We're totally on to her Grammy Awards show secrets.
When the lights go down on the Staples Center Sunday, the five-time nominee will be there to get the festivities rolling. And she won't be opening the show alone with her inevitably crazy outfit.
Elton John will be there to join her for a medley, E! News confirms exclusively.
They'll be doing some sort of medley ("Tiny Just Dancer" or "Don't Let the Bad Romance Go Down on Me" perhaps?) set to a "factory"-themed set and costumes, a source tells us. Keep Reading »
When the lights go down on the Staples Center Sunday, the five-time nominee will be there to get the festivities rolling. And she won't be opening the show alone with her inevitably crazy outfit.
Elton John will be there to join her for a medley, E! News confirms exclusively.
They'll be doing some sort of medley ("Tiny Just Dancer" or "Don't Let the Bad Romance Go Down on Me" perhaps?) set to a "factory"-themed set and costumes, a source tells us. Keep Reading »
Lady Gaga Plays "Telephone
The Game Isn't Playing, Denies Fathering Tila Tequila's Baby
So, Tila Tequila has identified her baby daddy. And he has gone right ahead and denied it.
The Game, whose real name is Jayceon Taylor, has said that he is not the father of Tequila's child, a rep for the rapper tells E! News.
Someone better tell the Shot at Love star, who shared the Game-changing news earlier Friday, after being spotted last night visiting Jay-Z's L.A. studio, where the Game was recording. She told E! that she was hesitant to reveal his identity at first, but that he had since given her the go-ahead to talk about it, because "it would eventually come out anyway."
And we have a feeling that there's a lot more on its way out.
"Just left TMZ settin the record straight, my gyrl aint like that Tila Tequila sh!t !" the Game tweeted this afternoon.
—Additional reporting by Ashley Fultz..Keep Reading »
The Game, whose real name is Jayceon Taylor, has said that he is not the father of Tequila's child, a rep for the rapper tells E! News.
Someone better tell the Shot at Love star, who shared the Game-changing news earlier Friday, after being spotted last night visiting Jay-Z's L.A. studio, where the Game was recording. She told E! that she was hesitant to reveal his identity at first, but that he had since given her the go-ahead to talk about it, because "it would eventually come out anyway."
And we have a feeling that there's a lot more on its way out.
"Just left TMZ settin the record straight, my gyrl aint like that Tila Tequila sh!t !" the Game tweeted this afternoon.
—Additional reporting by Ashley Fultz..Keep Reading »
The Game Isn't Playing
Friday, January 29, 2010
Kristen and Anna: Too Good for Twilight?
Twilight darlings Kirsten Stewart and Anna Kendrick are quickly breaking out of their vampire coffins. We're all aware by now that Anna has received tons of acclaim for her performance alongside George Clooney in Up in the Air, and Kristen was the talk of Sundance town.
Got it?
That's why we think yesterday's item about Kristen and Robert Pattinson was totally fair game. We're not "pitting them against each other," as so many Twit-screamers say, but pointing out R & K both have the opportunities with their upcoming flicks to become major players in this entertainment biz.
Heck, while Ashley Greene is shooting some horror movie in Germany and Kellan Lutz is losing Barbarian roles, Kendrick is picking out her Oscar gown! And According to people who have worked with Kristen, she, too is already headed for Oscar's stage—and we don't mean as a presenter:
"Kristen's got this innate quality, that gift, that not everyone has," Welcome to the Rileys director Jake Scott told us. "She's magic. I can see it happening. I can see her becoming a major star. She's grounded, which is important to say about her. She's really grounded. She's a cool chick."
Oscar nominated actress Melissa Leo, who costars with K.Stew in Welcome, was eager to throw in her experienced two cents on Kristen's potential.
"I'm sure she'll be up there on that stage one day, I'm positive."
Leo, whose performance in Frozen River last year put her in a gown alongside Meryl Streep and Kate Winslet, says she sees a lot of herself in young K.Stew.
"Something happens with actors who are committed to what they do. We enjoyed each other because we were so serious about work, we adored each other.".Keep Reading »
Got it?
That's why we think yesterday's item about Kristen and Robert Pattinson was totally fair game. We're not "pitting them against each other," as so many Twit-screamers say, but pointing out R & K both have the opportunities with their upcoming flicks to become major players in this entertainment biz.
Heck, while Ashley Greene is shooting some horror movie in Germany and Kellan Lutz is losing Barbarian roles, Kendrick is picking out her Oscar gown! And According to people who have worked with Kristen, she, too is already headed for Oscar's stage—and we don't mean as a presenter:
"Kristen's got this innate quality, that gift, that not everyone has," Welcome to the Rileys director Jake Scott told us. "She's magic. I can see it happening. I can see her becoming a major star. She's grounded, which is important to say about her. She's really grounded. She's a cool chick."
Oscar nominated actress Melissa Leo, who costars with K.Stew in Welcome, was eager to throw in her experienced two cents on Kristen's potential.
"I'm sure she'll be up there on that stage one day, I'm positive."
Leo, whose performance in Frozen River last year put her in a gown alongside Meryl Streep and Kate Winslet, says she sees a lot of herself in young K.Stew.
"Something happens with actors who are committed to what they do. We enjoyed each other because we were so serious about work, we adored each other.".Keep Reading »
Kristen and Anna:
Listen to This: Amanda Seyfried Sings for Dear John
n the upcoming Dear John, Amanda Seyfried's heart is in more than the letters she writes to her boyfriend.
The 24-year-old actress, who stuck out in Mean Girls as the ditz whose breasts could predict the weather and then went on to star in such diverse fare as Mamma Mia! and Big Love, has added yet another notch to her creative belt—singer-songwriter.
Seyfried's "Little House," a wistful love song, will be included on the Dear John soundtrack, but you can hear it for the first time right here!.Keep Reading »
The 24-year-old actress, who stuck out in Mean Girls as the ditz whose breasts could predict the weather and then went on to star in such diverse fare as Mamma Mia! and Big Love, has added yet another notch to her creative belt—singer-songwriter.
Seyfried's "Little House," a wistful love song, will be included on the Dear John soundtrack, but you can hear it for the first time right here!.Keep Reading »
Listen to This: Amanda
Quiz sui Grammy! Lady Gaga vincerà nella categoria Disco dell'Anno?
Date un’occhiata ai candidati! Beyoncé, Taylor Swift, Kings of Leon, Black Eyed Peas e Lady Gaga — tutti impegnati nella competizione per aggiudicarsi, questa domenica, il premio per il Disco dell’Anno.
Conosciamo bene i loro brani ma, dobbiamo ammetterlo, quello di Lady Gaga continua a venirci in mente. All’inizio eravamo un po’ perplessi, dopo siamo caduti in trance. E succede ogni volta che lo sentiamo.
Lady Gaga si aggiudicherà quindi un Grammy? Provate ad indovinare facendo il nostro quiz sulle Previsioni sui Grammy, scoprite che tipo di esperti musicali siete e condividetelo su Facebook con i vostri amici...
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Conosciamo bene i loro brani ma, dobbiamo ammetterlo, quello di Lady Gaga continua a venirci in mente. All’inizio eravamo un po’ perplessi, dopo siamo caduti in trance. E succede ogni volta che lo sentiamo.
Lady Gaga si aggiudicherà quindi un Grammy? Provate ad indovinare facendo il nostro quiz sulle Previsioni sui Grammy, scoprite che tipo di esperti musicali siete e condividetelo su Facebook con i vostri amici...
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Bruna Nessif
Quale star si è dimenticata d’indossare i pantaloncini?
Forse questa cantante è talmente contenta di essersi appena fidanzata da non badare nemmeno a coprirsi bene quando va in giro?
Nonostante le temperature stranamente rigide di L.A., è andata a prendere un caffè con indosso un body e un paio di leggings di pizzo.
Pensate di sapere chi si è dimenticata d’indossare i pantaloncini? Scopritelo fra poco…Keep Reading »
Nonostante le temperature stranamente rigide di L.A., è andata a prendere un caffè con indosso un body e un paio di leggings di pizzo.
Pensate di sapere chi si è dimenticata d’indossare i pantaloncini? Scopritelo fra poco…Keep Reading »
Cristina Gibson
Fashion Police: Mariah Carey's Golden Globes
The 2010 Golden Globes were all about the, well, golden globes—so much décolletage on display!
Starting off the trend was good old Mariah Carey, who showed off her bronzed girls in a plunging Hervé Léger gown. No surprise, coming from this flashy star.
Not be outdone, Mad Men's Christina Henricks made sure her breast best assets were on display in a ruffly strapless champagne Christian Siriano frock.
But we didn't expect to see such low-cut styles on stars like Anna Paquin, who shimmered and sparkled in a deep-V Stella McCartney dress. Or demure Olivia Wilde, playing peekaboo in a skintastic Gucci gown.
Check out the bustin'-out beauties, plus see who else dazzled (and who disappointed) in our special Golden Globes Fashion Police gallery!
And then pit your favorite fashionistas against each other in our Red Carpet Pose-Off game!.Keep Reading »
Starting off the trend was good old Mariah Carey, who showed off her bronzed girls in a plunging Hervé Léger gown. No surprise, coming from this flashy star.
Not be outdone, Mad Men's Christina Henricks made sure her breast best assets were on display in a ruffly strapless champagne Christian Siriano frock.
But we didn't expect to see such low-cut styles on stars like Anna Paquin, who shimmered and sparkled in a deep-V Stella McCartney dress. Or demure Olivia Wilde, playing peekaboo in a skintastic Gucci gown.
Check out the bustin'-out beauties, plus see who else dazzled (and who disappointed) in our special Golden Globes Fashion Police gallery!
And then pit your favorite fashionistas against each other in our Red Carpet Pose-Off game!.Keep Reading »
Jersey Shore's J-WOWW's Slinky Shirts for Sale
Now you can look like a Jersey Shore guidette! (Yeah, we're not sure that's a good thing either.)
Castmate Jenni "J-WOWW" Farley is selling her own line of custom-made, barely there tops that look just like the strips of fabric shirts she's worn on the show.
According to her website, the budding designer "will be reinventing the term 'Sexy Sophisticated.' will make people of all ages and body type feel more confident in 'the scene.' "
What do you think? If J-WOWW's selling, are you buying?.Keep Reading »
Castmate Jenni "J-WOWW" Farley is selling her own line of custom-made, barely there tops that look just like the strips of fabric shirts she's worn on the show.
According to her website, the budding designer "will be reinventing the term 'Sexy Sophisticated.' will make people of all ages and body type feel more confident in 'the scene.' "
What do you think? If J-WOWW's selling, are you buying?.Keep Reading »
Style Showdown: Jennifer Lopez vs. Heidi Klum
Has being a busy mom of twins made fashionista Jennifer Lopez a style slacker?
Sure, Jenny's still gorgeous, but her sense of trend timing may be off. Heidi Klum first wore this Louis Vuitton minidress to a Victoria's Secret event way back in 2008 whereas J.Lo wore it just last night to host a book party.
As for the details, Heidi accessorized with funky shoes, chunky bracelets and dark nail polish, while J.Lo kept it simple, choosing minimal jewelry and closed-toe shoes.Keep Reading »
So which version of the little black dress do you like the best—Heidi's original outing or Jennifer's updated edition?
Sound off on more star style in our Fashion Police gallery and see more smackdowns at mystyle!
Sure, Jenny's still gorgeous, but her sense of trend timing may be off. Heidi Klum first wore this Louis Vuitton minidress to a Victoria's Secret event way back in 2008 whereas J.Lo wore it just last night to host a book party.
As for the details, Heidi accessorized with funky shoes, chunky bracelets and dark nail polish, while J.Lo kept it simple, choosing minimal jewelry and closed-toe shoes.Keep Reading »
So which version of the little black dress do you like the best—Heidi's original outing or Jennifer's updated edition?
Sound off on more star style in our Fashion Police gallery and see more smackdowns at mystyle!
Style Showdown: Jennifer Lopez
Chris Brown Makes Another Bad Decision
Chris Brown has been hanging out at the runway shows during Paris Fashion Week. Seems harmless enough, right?
The R&B singer who had that whole nasty thing with Rihanna made a wise choice when he decided to see Jean Paul Gaultier's presentation. He's an iconic couture designer after all, and his shows are notoriously clever.
So clever, in fact, that Gaultier got in on the action, covering his face with makeup to look like blood and bruises in order to match his boxing-themed collection.
But then Brown had to go and pose for pictures with him. Awkward!.Keep Reading »
The R&B singer who had that whole nasty thing with Rihanna made a wise choice when he decided to see Jean Paul Gaultier's presentation. He's an iconic couture designer after all, and his shows are notoriously clever.
So clever, in fact, that Gaultier got in on the action, covering his face with makeup to look like blood and bruises in order to match his boxing-themed collection.
But then Brown had to go and pose for pictures with him. Awkward!.Keep Reading »
Chris Brown Makes Another
Style Showdown: Beyoncé Copies Kim's Studs
These days, everyone's jocking Kim Kardashian's style.
First Lindsay Lohan copies the reality star's hooded sparkles and now Beyonce is sporting the same 3.1 Phillip Lim studded gloves. There's a reason Jay Z isn't holding B's hand in the pic. Those spikes would kill!
To make matters worse, both bootylicious babes paired their dangerous leather accessories with spandex pants. But at least Kim didn't add tweed and bright blue to the mix, too.
Or do you prefer the singer's crazy clashing?
Vote now on!
Sound off on more star style in our Fashion Police gallery. Keep Reading »
First Lindsay Lohan copies the reality star's hooded sparkles and now Beyonce is sporting the same 3.1 Phillip Lim studded gloves. There's a reason Jay Z isn't holding B's hand in the pic. Those spikes would kill!
To make matters worse, both bootylicious babes paired their dangerous leather accessories with spandex pants. But at least Kim didn't add tweed and bright blue to the mix, too.
Or do you prefer the singer's crazy clashing?
Vote now on!
Sound off on more star style in our Fashion Police gallery. Keep Reading »
Fashion Police gallery.
Jon Voight Weighs In on Brangelina Breakup "Nonsense"
Angelina Jolie ain't talking about those pesky breakup rumors, but her dad's ready to step into the breach.
En route to a Beverly Hills eatery for lunch today, Jon Voight was peppered with questions about whether his daughter's relationship with Brad Pitt doomed.
His answer?
"I don't want to give attention to all this nonsense," said Voight, who was estranged from Jolie until recently.
Voight was suprised by the number of paparazzi perched outside Nate 'n Al deli, and he knew they weren't there for him.
"Who's here?" he asked the pack. Turns out Gwen Stefani was grabbing a bite with her kids.
And, as far as we know, Gwen isn't splitting with Gavin, either.Keep Reading »
En route to a Beverly Hills eatery for lunch today, Jon Voight was peppered with questions about whether his daughter's relationship with Brad Pitt doomed.
His answer?
"I don't want to give attention to all this nonsense," said Voight, who was estranged from Jolie until recently.
Voight was suprised by the number of paparazzi perched outside Nate 'n Al deli, and he knew they weren't there for him.
"Who's here?" he asked the pack. Turns out Gwen Stefani was grabbing a bite with her kids.
And, as far as we know, Gwen isn't splitting with Gavin, either.Keep Reading »
Rihanna's 6-Year-Old "Angel on Earth" Loses Leukemia Battle
Not all inspirational stories have a happy ending.
Rihanna is mourning the death of 6-year-old Jasmina Anema, a cancer patient who, with the singer's help, underwent a successful bone marrow transplant last year.
Jasmina died last night, barely 13 months after being diagnosed with a particularly aggressive and rare form of leukemia.
"I am incredibly heartbroken that Jasmina has passed away," Rihanna said in a statement today. "She was such a brave and special child. She showed more strength and spirit than many adults I have met. I feel blessed that I was able to have her in my life, and know that through her example she has saved many lives. She was truly an angel on earth."
Keep Reading »
Rihanna is mourning the death of 6-year-old Jasmina Anema, a cancer patient who, with the singer's help, underwent a successful bone marrow transplant last year.
Jasmina died last night, barely 13 months after being diagnosed with a particularly aggressive and rare form of leukemia.
"I am incredibly heartbroken that Jasmina has passed away," Rihanna said in a statement today. "She was such a brave and special child. She showed more strength and spirit than many adults I have met. I feel blessed that I was able to have her in my life, and know that through her example she has saved many lives. She was truly an angel on earth."
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.¿Nacen o se hacen gays?
"La homosexualidad no es considerada ya como patología, sino como una orientación sexual; inclusive tiene fundamentos genéticos y es simplemente una variante de la diversidad en la elección de pareja que se manifiesta no sólo en el ser humano, sino en todos los mamíferos", señaló el médico genetista Rafael Rico García Rojas para el dirio El Universal.
Pasos para el cambio:
- En 1992 la homosexualidad dejó de considerarse como patológica en el DSM-IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, de la Asociación Psiquiátrica de EU).
- Luego se estudió si esta orientación tiene una base genética o no. Esto aún no se sabe a ciencia cierta, "pero definitivamente los homosexuales nacen, no se hacen", aseguró la sexóloga Isabel Saro Cervantes para el mismo diario mexicano.
Las investigaciones al respecto "ya no se basa sólo en descripciones anecdóticas ni en casos clínicos aislados (caso por ejemplo de la labor de Sigmund Freud, padre del psicoanálisis): está centrada en encuestas, estudios de mercado, censos, que manejan grandes muestras mucho más representativas de la población homosexual real", escribe la investigadora y psicoterapeuta Marina Castañena Gutman en su libro 'La nueva homosexualidad'.
Parejas gays con hijos
Y con base en datos de la Asociación Psicológica también de EE.UU., la psicoterapeuta dice que se ha encontrado, gracias al estudio de cientos de miles de casos (tan sólo en EU había en 2000, 164 mil hogares formados por parejas de homosexuales con hijos) que los padres del mismo sexo no difieren en nada de sus contrapartes heterosexuales en términos de su compromiso, amor y.Leer más »
Nacen o se hacen gays?
La carne de cerdo, mejor que el Viagra
¿Sabrá algo o habla al tanteo? La presidenta de Argentina acaba de lanzar un anuncio importante para levantarle el ánimo al pueblo. Cristina Fernández ha recomendado comer más carne de cerdo para mejorar la vida sexual, un remedio, que según ella, es mucho más eficiente que tomar Viagra.
Entre risas, la mandataria afirmó temer por la reacción de su antecesor y esposo, Néstor Kirchner, al escuchar sus comentarios, pero no obstante, sin pelos en la lengua, dio testimonio de los resultados de su última ingesta de porcino en la sureña localidad de El Calafate, donde el matrimonio se refugia para descansar.
La industria porcina agradece este impulso que buscará no sólo levantar las ventas de la carne de cerdo sino la pasión en los varones de las pampas. La presidenta argentina dice: "Yo soy fanática de la carne de cerdo y no lo digo para quedar bien o para hacerme de propaganda de nada", ha confesado con gran humor la mandataria en un acto tras la firma de un acuerdo con la industria porcina.
"Me acabo de enterar de un dato que yo desconocía y que es que la ingesta de cerdo mejora la actividad sexual. No es un dato menor. Además es mucho más gratificante comerse un cerdito a la parrilla que tomar Viagra", dijo Fernández, quien se ganó aplausos calurosos de los asistentes al acto.Leer más »
Entre risas, la mandataria afirmó temer por la reacción de su antecesor y esposo, Néstor Kirchner, al escuchar sus comentarios, pero no obstante, sin pelos en la lengua, dio testimonio de los resultados de su última ingesta de porcino en la sureña localidad de El Calafate, donde el matrimonio se refugia para descansar.
La industria porcina agradece este impulso que buscará no sólo levantar las ventas de la carne de cerdo sino la pasión en los varones de las pampas. La presidenta argentina dice: "Yo soy fanática de la carne de cerdo y no lo digo para quedar bien o para hacerme de propaganda de nada", ha confesado con gran humor la mandataria en un acto tras la firma de un acuerdo con la industria porcina.
"Me acabo de enterar de un dato que yo desconocía y que es que la ingesta de cerdo mejora la actividad sexual. No es un dato menor. Además es mucho más gratificante comerse un cerdito a la parrilla que tomar Viagra", dijo Fernández, quien se ganó aplausos calurosos de los asistentes al acto.Leer más »
mejor que el Viagra
República Dominicana será sede Cumbre Mundial por Haití; invitarán a Chávez
Santo Domingo.- La República Dominicana será sede el 14 de abril próximo de una Cumbre Mundial para la Reconstrucción de Haití, a la que será invitado el presidente de Venezuela, Hugo Chávez. La información la ofreció el canciller, Carlos MoralesTroncoso, tras participar en el encuentro que sostuvo el presidente Leonel Fernández con su homólogo de Taiwán, Ma Ying-jeou y el primer ministro haitiano Jean Max Bellerive.Leer más »
Why Apple's iPad Won't Rescue Big Publishing
The Digital Book World conference in New York didn't exactly grind to a halt at 1 o'clock yesterday, but it was definitely hot and bothered. Several dozen attendees gathered around their screens, squinting at buffering feeds and cursing intermittent Web connections, as they watched Apple (AAPL) CEO Steve Jobs unveil the iPad, the object of desire formerly known as The Tablet That's Going to Save Us.Keep Reading »
Apple's iPad Won't
La piel humana alberga a más de 200 tipos de bacterias
Independientemente de la higiene personal, la piel de un ser humano común es huésped de ejemplares y colonias de un total de 205 géneros de bacterias diferentes, según reveló un nuevo estudio publicado en la revista Science.
"Nuestra piel es el hogar para una vibrante comunidad de microbios que tiene una significativa influencia sobre nuestra salud", afirmó Elizabeth Grice, una de las investigadoras involucradas en este trabajo. Y es que la buena salud de la piel depende del mantenimiento de un complejo equilibrio entre las células de la dermis y los millones de ejemplares de bacterias y microbios unicelulares que se alojan en ella.Leer más »
"Nuestra piel es el hogar para una vibrante comunidad de microbios que tiene una significativa influencia sobre nuestra salud", afirmó Elizabeth Grice, una de las investigadoras involucradas en este trabajo. Y es que la buena salud de la piel depende del mantenimiento de un complejo equilibrio entre las células de la dermis y los millones de ejemplares de bacterias y microbios unicelulares que se alojan en ella.Leer más »
Equipo Salud
Link Party: Kim Kardashian Poses for Bikini Pics
• Yes, when isn't Kim Kardashian in a bikini? But today she's extra impressed with her bikini body. "HOT HOT HOT! Not even retouched yet!" she tweeted.
• This is a real headline from today: "Exclusive: Oops! Jessica Simpson Farts During Business Meeting" Ashlee's response: "Everybody deals with something like that." (Actually that response is about Jessica and her weight issues, but it seems to apply here as well.)
• Choose your own Mariah Carey link adventure: hear her attempt to prank call her husband, Nick, during his radio show and talk about porn, OR watch her new superfun music video "Up Out My Face."
• Ashton Kutcher really needs everyone's help deciding if he should host the MTV Awards, so having the honorable distinction of being the People's Choice for "Favorite Web Celebrity," he turned to Twitter.
Keep Reading »
• This is a real headline from today: "Exclusive: Oops! Jessica Simpson Farts During Business Meeting" Ashlee's response: "Everybody deals with something like that." (Actually that response is about Jessica and her weight issues, but it seems to apply here as well.)
• Choose your own Mariah Carey link adventure: hear her attempt to prank call her husband, Nick, during his radio show and talk about porn, OR watch her new superfun music video "Up Out My Face."
• Ashton Kutcher really needs everyone's help deciding if he should host the MTV Awards, so having the honorable distinction of being the People's Choice for "Favorite Web Celebrity," he turned to Twitter.
Keep Reading »
Link Party: Kim
Carrie Underwood Nabs Super Bowl Anthem Honors
So what if she's probably more of a hockey fan. In the words of the incomparable Paula Abdul: touchdown!
Carrie Underwood has been given the honor of belting out the national anthem at Super Bowl XLIV. Which means American Idol's most successful artist is on track to become its most watched.
More than 151 million viewers tuned into the gridiron faceoff last year, with similar figures expected on Feb. 7, when the Indianapolis Colts take on the New Orleans Saints.
The NFL today also announced that Queen Latifah will be on hand to croon "America the Beautiful," while the previously announced The Who takes on halftime duties.Keep Reading »
Sounds like something for everyone.
Carrie Underwood has been given the honor of belting out the national anthem at Super Bowl XLIV. Which means American Idol's most successful artist is on track to become its most watched.
More than 151 million viewers tuned into the gridiron faceoff last year, with similar figures expected on Feb. 7, when the Indianapolis Colts take on the New Orleans Saints.
The NFL today also announced that Queen Latifah will be on hand to croon "America the Beautiful," while the previously announced The Who takes on halftime duties.Keep Reading »
Sounds like something for everyone.
Carrie Underwood Nabs Super Bowl
Nick Jonas Gets a Dreamy Retro Makeover
Now that Nick Jonas is all solo with the Administration, it's time for his first fancy fashion shoot all by himself. V-Man features the lone JoBro on the cover of its latest issue.
The 17-year-old doesn't go all Taylor Momsen on us, or even Miley for that matter. Instead he just acted like a nice, grateful well-behaved young man, so it was up to the stylists and Mario Testino to make him come off more interesting for the mag's three covers. And for that, they channeled the ghosts of rebels past.
Gotta say, the retro look is working for him and look, he even has a little arm muscle...Keep Reading »
The 17-year-old doesn't go all Taylor Momsen on us, or even Miley for that matter. Instead he just acted like a nice, grateful well-behaved young man, so it was up to the stylists and Mario Testino to make him come off more interesting for the mag's three covers. And for that, they channeled the ghosts of rebels past.
Gotta say, the retro look is working for him and look, he even has a little arm muscle...Keep Reading »
Nick Jonas Gets a Dreamy
Hollywood Tweets RIPs to Salinger and Zinn
s a sad day in the literary world with the passing of writers J.D. Salinger (The Catcher in the Rye) and Howard Zinn (The People's History of the United States), and Hollywood is feeling it.
John Cusack has taken to his Twitter page to honor them both.
"JD Salinger—what can one say? There was no equal no one within miles. Franny and Zooey—do it all for the fat lady—the perfect writing," he says. "Howard Zinn—a great man. People's History of the United States a must read for any free thinker—the passing of a master."
Ben Affleck released a statement on his friend Zinn, while Olivia Wilde, Elizabeth Banks, Kirstie Alley, Eliza Dushku, Rainn Wilson, Ryan Seacrest and more are tweeting their two cents:
Affleck: "Howard had a great mind and was one of the great voices in the American political life. He taught me how valuable—how necessary—dissent was to democracy and to America itself. He taught that history was made by the everyman, not the elites. I was lucky enough to know him personally, and I will carry with me what I learned from him—and try to impart it to my own children—in his memory."
Wilde: "Howard Zinn, a true hero of mine, whom I never got to thank for his donation to Artists for Peace and Justice. RIP…If you haven't read A People's History of the United States, you may want to run to the book store now."
Banks: "Nine Stories is one of my favorite books of all time, and should be read in honor of JD Salinger."Keep Reading »
John Cusack has taken to his Twitter page to honor them both.
"JD Salinger—what can one say? There was no equal no one within miles. Franny and Zooey—do it all for the fat lady—the perfect writing," he says. "Howard Zinn—a great man. People's History of the United States a must read for any free thinker—the passing of a master."
Ben Affleck released a statement on his friend Zinn, while Olivia Wilde, Elizabeth Banks, Kirstie Alley, Eliza Dushku, Rainn Wilson, Ryan Seacrest and more are tweeting their two cents:
Affleck: "Howard had a great mind and was one of the great voices in the American political life. He taught me how valuable—how necessary—dissent was to democracy and to America itself. He taught that history was made by the everyman, not the elites. I was lucky enough to know him personally, and I will carry with me what I learned from him—and try to impart it to my own children—in his memory."
Wilde: "Howard Zinn, a true hero of mine, whom I never got to thank for his donation to Artists for Peace and Justice. RIP…If you haven't read A People's History of the United States, you may want to run to the book store now."
Banks: "Nine Stories is one of my favorite books of all time, and should be read in honor of JD Salinger."Keep Reading »
Hollywood Tweets
Rerun Date Set for John Travolta Extortion Trial
It's been just over a year since Jett Travolta's tragic death in the Bahamas. But his family will have to wait at least nine more months for any real sense of closure.
A Bahamian judge has penciled in Sept. 6 as the start date for the retrial of former senator Pleasant Bridgewater and ambulance driver Tarino Lightbourne, both of whom are accused of conspiring to extort $25 million from a mourning John Travolta and Kelly Preston in the wake of their 16-year-old son's death.Keep Reading »
A Bahamian judge has penciled in Sept. 6 as the start date for the retrial of former senator Pleasant Bridgewater and ambulance driver Tarino Lightbourne, both of whom are accused of conspiring to extort $25 million from a mourning John Travolta and Kelly Preston in the wake of their 16-year-old son's death.Keep Reading »
Rerun Date Set for John
Brangelina Breakup Is Real!
Well, of course, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are breaking up.
They're breaking up for awards season.
Think about it: If you were Pitt and Jolie, and you were not in the Oscar running, and therefore threatened with irrelevancy by the likes of Jeff Bridges—Jeff Bridges!—until March—March!—what would you do?
You'd get bored. You'd get resentful. You'd concoct all sorts of ways to divert attention away from the statuette-hoarding Meryl Streeps of the world.
Grow a funny goatee? (Been there, done that, didn't work.) Have a baby, or three? (Been there, done that, loads of work.) Break up?
Of course!
Now, you wouldn't break up in the manner that mere mortals break up—with fights, lawyers and ice-cream therapy. No, you'd break up in the manner that public figures break up—with planted stories, planted quotes and, above all, orchestrated photo ops.
To sell your ennui, you'd walk through an airport looking scraggly (Pitt), haggard (Jolie) and unhappy (both). To sell your despair, you'd turn up the notch on your body odor. To sell your disconnectedness, you'd deep-six joint appearances.
For camera purposes, you'd be broken up. And a bigger story than the stupid old Oscars.
Take that, Christoph Waltz, whoever you are!
Do we talk the talk of the crazy? Perhaps, but we've got company. The Los Angeles Times' Gold Derby blog asks whether Pitt is sitting out awards shows because he's "mad they're snubbing him."
You think? We do.Read More »
They're breaking up for awards season.
Think about it: If you were Pitt and Jolie, and you were not in the Oscar running, and therefore threatened with irrelevancy by the likes of Jeff Bridges—Jeff Bridges!—until March—March!—what would you do?
You'd get bored. You'd get resentful. You'd concoct all sorts of ways to divert attention away from the statuette-hoarding Meryl Streeps of the world.
Grow a funny goatee? (Been there, done that, didn't work.) Have a baby, or three? (Been there, done that, loads of work.) Break up?
Of course!
Now, you wouldn't break up in the manner that mere mortals break up—with fights, lawyers and ice-cream therapy. No, you'd break up in the manner that public figures break up—with planted stories, planted quotes and, above all, orchestrated photo ops.
To sell your ennui, you'd walk through an airport looking scraggly (Pitt), haggard (Jolie) and unhappy (both). To sell your despair, you'd turn up the notch on your body odor. To sell your disconnectedness, you'd deep-six joint appearances.
For camera purposes, you'd be broken up. And a bigger story than the stupid old Oscars.
Take that, Christoph Waltz, whoever you are!
Do we talk the talk of the crazy? Perhaps, but we've got company. The Los Angeles Times' Gold Derby blog asks whether Pitt is sitting out awards shows because he's "mad they're snubbing him."
You think? We do.Read More »
Brangelina Breakup
Taylor Swift Gets Carded
Is there anything Taylor Swift can't do?
As if the 20-year-old megastar isn't busy enough being a world famous country crooner, along with being an actress, a best friend, a boy magnet and a charitable do-gooder, she now has her own line of...greeting cards!
Ms. Swift's collection for American Greetings, which goes on sale in the spring, not only includes brightly illustrated cards with sentiments written by hers truly, but it offers gift packaging and stationary, among other things.
Get a sneak peek at some of the cards after the jump...Read More »
As if the 20-year-old megastar isn't busy enough being a world famous country crooner, along with being an actress, a best friend, a boy magnet and a charitable do-gooder, she now has her own line of...greeting cards!
Ms. Swift's collection for American Greetings, which goes on sale in the spring, not only includes brightly illustrated cards with sentiments written by hers truly, but it offers gift packaging and stationary, among other things.
Get a sneak peek at some of the cards after the jump...Read More »
Taylor Swift Gets Carded
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Obama woos US with promises of new jobs
Mr Obama told Congress: "Jobs must be our number one focus in 2010."
He defended early and expensive actions to save the economy, but acknowledged that he had underestimated public anger over the economy despite the official end of recession.
"The worst of the storm has passed, but the devastation remains. One in 10 Americans still cannot find work, many businesses have shuttered and home values have declined," he said.
He continued: "I campaigned on the promise of change - change we can believe in, the slogan went. And right now, I know there are many Americans who aren't sure if they still believe we can change, or that I can deliver it."Read More »
He defended early and expensive actions to save the economy, but acknowledged that he had underestimated public anger over the economy despite the official end of recession.
"The worst of the storm has passed, but the devastation remains. One in 10 Americans still cannot find work, many businesses have shuttered and home values have declined," he said.
He continued: "I campaigned on the promise of change - change we can believe in, the slogan went. And right now, I know there are many Americans who aren't sure if they still believe we can change, or that I can deliver it."Read More »
Come queso, y el vino manchará menos tus dientes
Dicen que una copita de vino tinto no hace mal, al contrario, que ayuda con la circulación sanguínea, ya que sus polifenoles elevan los niveles de los gases de óxido nítrico en la sangre, lo cual ayuda a ensanchar los vasos sanguíneos.
Pero el vino, así como el café, y el té, suele mancharnos los dientes.
Según la doctora Laura Torrado, odontóloga con práctica en Nueva York que se ha desempeñado en tratamientos cosméticos, el tanino en el vino es el responsable de manchar los dientes, y que los vinos tintos con alto contenido el ácido tánico, como el Malbec de Argentina, son los que más manchan los dientes. Los vinos de Chile tienen un tanino más liviano, por lo que los manchan menos.Leer más »
Pero el vino, así como el café, y el té, suele mancharnos los dientes.
Según la doctora Laura Torrado, odontóloga con práctica en Nueva York que se ha desempeñado en tratamientos cosméticos, el tanino en el vino es el responsable de manchar los dientes, y que los vinos tintos con alto contenido el ácido tánico, como el Malbec de Argentina, son los que más manchan los dientes. Los vinos de Chile tienen un tanino más liviano, por lo que los manchan menos.Leer más »
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Sartenes antiadherentes podrían afectar la tiroides
Una investigación concluye que los sartenes antiadherente contienen químicos vinculados a la enfermedad de la tiroides. El problema viene del ácido perfluoroctánico, un producto químico encontrado en utensilios de cocina y envases de alimentos, sustancia conocida con las siglas de PFOA.
Este químico, que puede encontrarse en el lugar más insospechado de la casa, es considerado como potencialmente cancerígeno por algunos estudios, pero es ahora cuando también se le vincula con enfermedades de la tiroides.Leer más »
Este químico, que puede encontrarse en el lugar más insospechado de la casa, es considerado como potencialmente cancerígeno por algunos estudios, pero es ahora cuando también se le vincula con enfermedades de la tiroides.Leer más »
Equipo Salud
Rafel Nadal abandona por una lesión en rodilla
“Creo que Andy merece ganar su primer Grand Slam. Y creo que lo hará”, dijo el español menos de una hora después que una lesión en la rodilla lo obligó a tirar la toalla en el encuentro que perdía 6-3, 7-6 (2), 3-0.Leer más »
Manchester United 3 Manchester City 1
Tight battle: Micah Richards (right) vies with Manchester United forward Wayne Rooney Photo: GETTY IMAGES
22.04: Fletcher deservedly man of the match for turning the midfield into his own personal sphere of influence. And that's about it for tonight. See you soon.
22.02: Post-match interviews. Rooney expresses his unbridled elation in a language I suppose we must call English. Fletcher is marginally more articulate, but only marginally.
22.01: So it's Aston Villa v Manchester United in the Carling Cup final. That takes place on February 28 at Wembley.
21.58: Quick recap of the game: after a goalless first half, Scholes put United ahead at the start of the second period. Carrick doubled the lead as United crawled all over City, but a slice of brilliance from Tevez brought City back into it. And that was that, until Le Wayne popped up in injury time to do what United have been doing since time immemorial. Read More »
22.04: Fletcher deservedly man of the match for turning the midfield into his own personal sphere of influence. And that's about it for tonight. See you soon.
22.02: Post-match interviews. Rooney expresses his unbridled elation in a language I suppose we must call English. Fletcher is marginally more articulate, but only marginally.
22.01: So it's Aston Villa v Manchester United in the Carling Cup final. That takes place on February 28 at Wembley.
21.58: Quick recap of the game: after a goalless first half, Scholes put United ahead at the start of the second period. Carrick doubled the lead as United crawled all over City, but a slice of brilliance from Tevez brought City back into it. And that was that, until Le Wayne popped up in injury time to do what United have been doing since time immemorial. Read More »
DJ Earworm - United State of Pop 20010 (Blame It on the Pop) - Mashup of Top 25 Billboard Hits
Buen sexo, mejor salud
la hora del romance, pocos piensan cómo la actividad entre las sábanas les fortalece el sistema inmunológico, les ayuda a quemar unas calorías y mejorar la condición cardiovascular, pero estos son algunos de los beneficios del sexo, algo así como un bien añadido.
Relax con sexo
Si tu pareja cae rendida como un bebé después de una sesión amorosa, no es indiferencia, es que hacer el amor es relajante e induce el sueño. Tras la cama, la calma. El ejercicio en la recámara también aumenta el riego sanguíneo y la oxigenación pulmonar que también mejoran el semblante y la ansiedad. Leer más »
Relax con sexo
Si tu pareja cae rendida como un bebé después de una sesión amorosa, no es indiferencia, es que hacer el amor es relajante e induce el sueño. Tras la cama, la calma. El ejercicio en la recámara también aumenta el riego sanguíneo y la oxigenación pulmonar que también mejoran el semblante y la ansiedad. Leer más »
Buen sexo,
mejor salud
Radar aéreo de la NASA estudiará fallas en Haití y la República Dominicana
WASHINGTON.- La NASA utilizará un radar montado en un avión para realizar estudios de las fallas geológicas en la isla de La Española tras el terremoto que asoló a Haití el pasado 12 de enero, anunció hoy el Laboratorio de Propulsión a Chorro (JPL, por su sigla en inglés) de la agencia espacial de EE.UU.
Los vuelos con el radar UAVSAR (Uninhabited Aerial Synthetic Aperture Radar) se realizarán sobre los territorios de Haití y la República Dominicana tras una campaña de estudios de tres semanas programada previamente sobre el territorio Leer más »
Los vuelos con el radar UAVSAR (Uninhabited Aerial Synthetic Aperture Radar) se realizarán sobre los territorios de Haití y la República Dominicana tras una campaña de estudios de tres semanas programada previamente sobre el territorio Leer más »
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
La importancia del trasero
El valor de un buen trasero no se discute, es algo para apreciarse. Hombres y mujeres aprecian esa parte del cuerpo donde la espalda pierde su nombre, pero navegando por la red me encontré un artículo interesante donde se explica por qué nos gustan tantos las pompas, glúteos, nalgas o como prefieran llamarlas.
Las nalgas están en todas partes, dicen los autores del documental de la BBC. Y sí, donde esté un ser humano habrá traseros, grandes, pequeños, formados o deformados.
'La cara oculta de las nalgas', de la documentalista Caroline Pochon y el periodista Allan Rothschild, ofrece un recorrido por los diferentes significados que esa parte del cuerpo humano tuvo en varias disciplinas, desde el arte hasta la sociología.
La investigación recuerda que, lo que para unos es sólo un músculo, para otros supone algo más relevante. "La patria, el honor, la libertad, nada existe: el universo gira en torno a un par de nalgas", sostuvo el filósofo francés Jean-Paul Sartre.
Cuánta verdad la de este pensador francés. Pero no se necesita ser un gran filósofo para entender y sentir lo que produce una mujer caminando contoneándose suavemente.Leer más »
Las nalgas están en todas partes, dicen los autores del documental de la BBC. Y sí, donde esté un ser humano habrá traseros, grandes, pequeños, formados o deformados.
'La cara oculta de las nalgas', de la documentalista Caroline Pochon y el periodista Allan Rothschild, ofrece un recorrido por los diferentes significados que esa parte del cuerpo humano tuvo en varias disciplinas, desde el arte hasta la sociología.
La investigación recuerda que, lo que para unos es sólo un músculo, para otros supone algo más relevante. "La patria, el honor, la libertad, nada existe: el universo gira en torno a un par de nalgas", sostuvo el filósofo francés Jean-Paul Sartre.
Cuánta verdad la de este pensador francés. Pero no se necesita ser un gran filósofo para entender y sentir lo que produce una mujer caminando contoneándose suavemente.Leer más »
La importancia del trasero
Cosas que no sabías sobre el sexo
¿Cómo saber si alguien está excitado? ¿Cómo identificar si se es adicto al sexo? ¿Cómo adivinar si un chico está bien dotado? Si alguna vez te has hecho alguna de estas preguntas -o simplemente ahora mismo que lo lees te está matando la curiosidad-, descubre las respuestas aquí.
Prepárate para llevarte grandes sorpresas y usar esta interesante información a tu favor.Leer más »