I think my girlfriend ejaculates when she orgasms but she’s convinced she’s peeing. She’s so paranoid that she won’t let me give her an orgasm. It does smell a bit of urine but looks clear. Is there a way to tell for sure?
Most women who ejaculate say the sensation is similar to peeing, probably because the fluid travels through the urethra, as it does for men. The difference is in the interpretation. Two people queue for a roller coaster: person A is terrified and person B is excited. They’re both experiencing adrenalin but reacting to it according to their beliefs about the possible outcome: A thinks about the bad things; B, the good. For every woman feeling ashamed of ejaculation, there’s another feeling proud. Help her to feel good about it. Tell her you’re fine with it, and that you need her to trust you so you can prove it.
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