Saturday, April 9, 2011

Seven ways to improve your IQ h

Your Intelligence Quotient (IQ) isa measure of your mental agility orcomprehension speed. Theaverage IQ for a 32-year old British manis 100, and while experts believe this isincreasing by 3% a decade, you canfast-track yours right now. We’veconsulted leading psychologists toprovide seven simple steps to improveyour IQ by a not-to-be-sniffed-at 17points over just one week, and help yousolve any problem life can throw at you.

Monday: play games

Fluid intelligence is a major part of everyIQ test, and relates to your workingmemory. Dr Susanne Jäggi at the Universityof Michigan used Dual N-Back games, wherethe player is asked to remember a sequenceof geometric shapes and sounds, to boost thisfactor. Her research discovered 25 minutes everyday will raise your IQ by an impressive 4 points.
How to do itTry puzzles It takes 25 minutes ....