Monday, February 1, 2010

Bitch-Back! Will Smith's Sticky Situation

Dear Ted:

I've been reading your column for years, but felt the need to write about something that's been bugging me for a while: What's the deal with Will Smith? First, he refuses to play a gay man in Six Degrees of Separation. Then, rumors persist that he and Jada have an open relationship. Plus, there are those gay rumors. P.S. I think it's funny that a photo of Jake G. is featured in the January edition of Glamour with the heading "The Man You Thought Was Gay But Wasn't." Interesting choice of actor, no?


Dear Funny, Indeed:

But, isn't Glamour largely for women who aren't all that sexually active yet? Doesn't that kinda make sense? As far as Will and Jada goes, look, said it before, I'll say it again: for somebody who screams on press lines what great sex he and Jada have, well, talk, talk, talk.Keep Reading>>